Peace Talks Radio: The series about peacemaking and nonviolent conflict resolution strategies. In this episode, we bring together proponents of applying Native American wisdom both to bringing peace in the family and peace between nations. In part one, we hear about The Great Law of Peace, the founding constitution of the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy from Professors Oren Lyons (pictured) …
Totalitarian Rule in America: False Flags, Secret Prisons, Extrajudicial Assassinations, Media Censorship, The Rounding Up of Alleged “Terrorists” …
Every day signs are looming larger than life as we know it in the wealthiest nation on earth that it’s about to crash and burn, forever changing not for the better. The latest wake-up call arrived in a Guardian article earlier this week. The story features a secret prison not unlike the CIA torture detention centers all over the world whereby the …