Gabriela Àlvarez is the chef and founder of Liberation Cuisine. Liberation Cuisine was founded in 2014 with the intention of nourishing movements for social change, using sustainable ingredients and practices. Gabriela began cooking after studying Community Health at Brown University. The kitchen became her way to tackle health disparities and inequalities in the food system, while still maintaining a focus …
iEat Green – Amanda Terillo, Registered Dietician – 12.15.16
Amanda Terillo is a Registered Dietitian practicing in Central Virginia. Throughout her career she has worked with clients who had various medical issues nsuch as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, renal disease, liver disease, cancer, diabetes and weight management. Amanda does not believe in diets, but in creating eating habits that fit into your lifestyle for long-term success. She helps …
Dr. Mercola – Mustard Greens and Seeds Offer Potent Health Benefits
Eating plenty of vegetables can help reduce your risk for many chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke and certain cancers. For example, one 2010 study found that eating just one extra serving of leafy greens a day reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by 14 percent.1
Interview with Josh Cooks from Nextdoorganics – 01.21.16
Josh helped found Nextdoorganics in 2011 and spent its first season on a rural farm outside Providence, RI. He now helps with strategic planning, design & technology, and operations logistics.
He WWOOFed on three farms in Europe and helped start a school garden at a democratic school in rural West Virginia, the state he is from. He previously worked at the Alternative Education Resource Organization.
He is also the co-founder of, a new online platform to facilitate the creation of residencies in learning communities around the world.
He graduated with a major in Culture & Politics from Georgetown University and earned a master’s in the Anthropology of Learning and Cognition from the London School of Economics.
LOA Today – 12.24.15
Will Christmas ever come? Will I get what I want for Christmas? Those are the questions that countless children wonder about every year. When they become adults, they wonder the same thing about the Law of Attraction. They wonder if the thing they’re trying to manifest will ever come.
We call this week’s show, “Waiting For Christmas”.
Why You Should Never Microwave Your Food
Microwaving is a simple, convenient cooking option for people on the go. The microwave oven has been a mainstay in the US for 30+ years, virtually transforming society and how we view food. But despite its wonders, the question that’s been avoided remains: are microwaves the healthiest cooking option? The answer is, of course, no, as there are much better …
Top 10 Ways to Prepare Kale
By, Mary Crimmins, Eat Local Grown My body has been deprived of leafy greens this summer. It has been so hot here in Nashville, that no greens stood a chance to grow in the blazing heat. Last week, I saw a familiar friend at the Market – KALE! I couldn’t believe it. For me this marked the end of the …