Hillary Clinton made history last night. With an official vote by Democratic Party delegates and superdelegates, she won the nomination as the party’s standard bearer for president in November’s general election, the first woman to head a major party ticket. But news of a different, though familiar, kind this morning, as Clinton finds herself at the center of yet another …
MICHAEL T. MCPHEARSON – Why Do Veterans Support Donald Trump?
Two recent polls demonstrate that support for Donald Trump in the military and among veterans outpaces support for both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. A May Military Times survey of active-duty troops showed Trump beating Clinton by better than a 2-to-1 margin. A Morning Consult poll of veterans and active-duty members taken later the same month showed the likely Republican nominee leading his Democratic rival …
Progressive Commentary Hour – 06.14.16
Abby Martin has rapidly become a leading international voice among young American journalists and television hosts. She currently hosts the weekly investigative news program The Empire Files on the pan-Latin American network Telesur TV English out of Caracas Venezuela. The program features hard hitting investigative history and insights into subjects ignored by mainstream corporate media. Earlier she was the host of Breaking the Set on the Russia Today network, better known as RT. Abby is a founder of the organization Media Roots that supports citizen journalism, and serves on the board of the Media Freedom Foundation which manages Project Censored, which airs on the PRN network; and she also co-directed the film “99%: The Occupy Wall Street Collaboration.” The Empire Files series can be viewed at TheEmpireFiles.tv, past Breaking the Set shows can be seen on Youtube, and her personal website as an accomplished visual artist is AbbyMartin.org
Turning Point – 05.23.16
Citizens United Continues to Eat Democracy, And, The Corporate Media Continues to Attack Bernie Sanders.
Turning Point – 03.28.16
Terrorism—Causes and Cures—A conversation with former CIA analyst Ray McGovern
Project Censored – 02.23.16
Peter and Mickey spend the hour in conversation with author/educator Henry Giroux. Giroux explains the concept of ‘critical pedagogy,’ and the pivotal role that education plays for the whole of society. He warns of the increasing domination of the world by the ultra-rich, and a new form of anti-intellectualism fostered by a failing corporate media. Among the measures the left must take to resist these forces, he names the formation of a third political party, and more academics taking on the duties of public intellectuals, rather than confining themselves to the campus.
Leid Stories – 09.04.15
We Have Our Own Debates on “Free Your Mind Friday!”
Waiting for the next round of televised, lip-flapping, corporate-media Q&A sessions they’re calling “debates?” Fuggeddaboudit!
Get your own points of view heard on Leid Stories’ “Free Your Mind Friday.” The program is devoted to listeners’ points of view about any subject they choose, and fellow listeners are encouraged to engage the subject(s) further or take the conversation on an entirely different course.
We’re a well-mannered, well-adjusted lot, and though we have strong opinions, we’re all about respectfully sounding each other’s ideas out.
Leave the pols and their media acolytes to their prating. Join a group of people who actually say what they mean and mean what they say!