New Report Proves US Law Enforcement Preparing For Rioting On A National Scale

Fascism doesn’t often sweep in overnight and take over some hapless nation’s government; rather, it gradually seeps into the cultural fabric — as is quietly taking place all around the globe, evidenced by an upsurge in sales of riot equipment that has gone largely unnoticed. A new report from analysts with industry research group, Sandler Research, forecasts the Global Riot Control System …

Greece Says “NO” to Austerity and Their Global Loan Shark Predators By Dr. Gary G. Kohls

Predatory lenders “work to bankrupt the countries that received those loans so that they would be forever beholden to their creditors, and so they would be easy targets when we needed favors, including military bases, UN votes, or access to oil and other natural resources.” – John Perkins, author of “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” I’ve been on the side of …

The TPP’s Corporatocracy by BART GRUZALSKI

It’s Friday morning and it seem certain that fast track will pass later today. The hype is that the vote is too close to call but that seems only to be hype. NAFTA was a squeaker. It’s hard to believe that this will be a one-vote squeaker. The Congressional passage of fast track for the TPP will announce to the …

US Behind Scenarios to Destroy Venezuela – Nil NIKANDROV

The precise date for election in Venezuela is not defined as yet. Probably Venezuelans will go to vote in October – November. President Nicolas Maduro said he wanted an election as soon as possible. The pre-race campaign hits the radar. It could be said without exaggeration that the fate of Venezuelan – style socialism, the goal of Bolivarian movement, is …

World population-food supply balance is becoming increasingly unstable, study finds

Researchers report that as the world population increases and food demand has grown, globalization of trade has made the food supply more sensitive to environmental and market fluctuations. This leads to greater chances of food crises, particularly in nations where land and water resources are scarce and therefore food security strongly relies on imports. The study assesses the food supply available to …