Expat Files – 10.20.17

#1- When Gringos go “Native”. A small percentage do go native and its generally a sad thing to see, but not always. The signs are obvious- perpetually disheveled, sweaty, same smudged baggy shirt and pants, raggedy old sandals, slightly odoriferous. And bad smells prevail in the native gringo’s house too- the scent of dogs, cats, garbage and driveway chickens. Look …

Expat Files – 08.25.17

#1- Gringos with too much time on their hands often try to mold their Latin American paradise into a synthetic 1st world replica. The results are often not pretty. That’s one reason why we don’t recommend Costa Rica, Panama, and most of Gringoized Mexico. Why leave the states and turn your paradise into a lush tropical Cleveland with nice weather. Makes you …

Sarah van Gelder – After Trump’s Victory, Stand With Your Community

There will be much to unpack about what happened in this election and the implications of a Trump presidency. And there are lots of reasons to grieve about the things we hold dear. But I want to humbly suggest we do one thing before anything else. Some of us are in far more danger, now, than others. Start off right …

Julianne Geiger – What Will You Do When The Lights Go Out? The Inevitable Failure Of The US Grid

Lambert here: We had a weird power failure up here a few weeks ago, that lasted a few hours; weird because there were no storms. I started to check the news online to see the extent of the outage but, oh wait… Now, if I had a cellphone, I would have been OK. As long as I had a charge, …

Expat Files – 07.03.16

Descriptions for The ExPat Files Show #575

#1- Part 2 of the Mating, Dating, Love and Romance scene in Latin America: Today we hear relationship testimonies from boots on the ground Gringo and Gringa Expats chiming in on their mating and dating experiences in Colombia and Brazil. You’ll be amused and surprised at what they say about Colombian men and women. As the recorded voice on the London tube platform monotonously proclaims, “mind the gap”,…. well in this case it’s the “cultural” gap we have to mind.

#2-What’s Colombia really like for Expat living? You hear all the big Expat blogs, newsletters and rags push it as the ultimate paradise – like they once pushed Costa Rica and Panama. Today we hear Colombia explained honestly and without hype by long time Expats with years of boots on the ground. They’ve seen and lived the good… and are now lamenting that the bad the ugly have arrived (sex tourism and hoards of partying gringos).

#3-Colombia is becoming Latin America’s premier “Big Brother” tax and spend state: Here’s an eye witness account as to why so many new business startups are doomed in Colombia. If you have a USD dollar income you will be more than OK, but if your livelihood depends on starting a new business- and getting paid in Colombian Pesos(they lost 33% buying power in the last year). Good luck with that! And its gonna bet worse…

#4-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#5- Visit me Johnny (and expat super blogger John Galt) at www.TheNewExpat.com where you get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and terrific one-of-kind reports.

Held in and around Guatemala, Central America- “off the Gringo tourist trail”, Saturday July 9th thru Thursday July 14th. Click the link on top of the www.TheNewExpat.com main-page or email: theexpatfiles@gmail.com.

Expat Files – 05.20.16

#1- Working “Off the Books” in Latin America: The poop on gringos and Expats working under the Latin tax radar.

#2– In their home countries, local Latins are experts at evading taxes – It’s a region where tax evasion is the national sport.

#3- Don’t believe it when a web search reveals certain tax rates – Personal or otherwise – In any particular Latin country. In reality they are much, lower and here’s why…

#4-In Latin America, Labor unions have not gone the way of the dodo like they’ve done in the states – In fact quite the opposite. Here’s the scoop…

#5- For many years poor Nicaraguans have been slipping illegally into Costa Rica looking for jobs and a better life. Working class Costa Ricans don’t like it one bit (Sound Familiar?) and are actively seeking them out and having them deported

#6- Be sure to check out “The ExPat Files” You Tube Channel: become a subscriber (it’s free!)

#7 – Consult with Johnny – Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American “Plan – B.” Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#8- Visit me Johnny (and ExPat super blogger John Galt) at www.TheNewExpat.com where you get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and terrific one-of-kind reports.

Held in and around Guatemala, Central America- “off the Gringo tourist trail”, Saturday July 9th thru Thursday July 14th. Click the link on top of the www.TheNewExpat.com main-page or email: theexpatfiles@gmail.com or, or click on the link below (or paste it in your browser)