Progressive Radio Network

Credit Suisse

Today is December 5th and like always The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment…
As the euphoria of the false promise of Trump policies stimulating US economic growth continue to fade, host Dr. Jack Rasmus reviews several economic reports…
A look at the 2009 UBS scandal, banking fraud, corruption and the funding of illegal activities and why such nefarious activities among global elite matter
You probably learned in high school that monopolies are bad for consumers; they eliminate the field of competition in the marketplace, leaving people with fewer…
Turning their backs on climate science and the consensus of governments and civil society across the globe, the world's biggest banks are dangerously advancing the…
A surprisingly small number of corporations control massive global market shares. How many of the brands below do you use? It’s a Small World at…
The Bank of America, Credit Agricole SA, Credit Suisse Group AG, Deutsche Bank AG, and Nomura Holdings were named as defendants. Five major banks and four traders were sued…
Well, that didn't take long. Earlier today when we reported the stunning news that DB has decided to "turn" against the precious metals manipulation cartel by first…
The leading expert on food at the United Nations says sharp price fluctuations in the price of food has little to do with actual supply.…
Daniel Pinto, CEO of JPMorgan's corporate and investment bank, just made a gloomy prediction for Wall Street. He said that the firm's investment-banking revenues are forecast…
The $15 trillion rout in global equity markets since May is reawakening the lure of gold for investors seeking safety. Hedge funds and other large…
On Nov. 13, the United Kingdom's Serious Fraud Office (SFO) announced it was charging 10 individual bankers, working for two separate banks, Deutsche Bank and Barclays, with…