Listen to Sainath Suryanarayanan, a scientist at the University of Wisconsin and co-author with Daniel Kleinman of Vanishing Bees: Science, Politics and Honeybee Health talking about the multifactoral causes of colony collapse disorder and the need for biological, sociological and ecological diversity.
MARCO TORRES – Have Fruits and Vegetables Become Less Nutritious?
Due to currents levels of soil depletion, genetic modification and pesticides, crops grown decades ago were much richer in vitamins and minerals than the varieties most of us get today. But what’s the nutritional difference between a carrot in 1950s and one today? Read more
Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null – GMOs and the Mentality of Propaganda Control
Progressive Radio Network, October 10, 2016 The evidence for genetically modified organism (GMOs) safety for human consumption and its environmental risks remains one of the nation’s most contentious, controversial and debated subjects. Throughout the world, governments, national health ministries and their populations have been led to believe that there is no reason to critically object to GMOs. American …
Increased carbon dioxide levels in air restrict plants’ ability to absorb nutrients
The rapidly rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere affect plants’ absorption of nitrogen, which is the nutrient that restricts crop growth in most terrestrial ecosystems. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have now revealed that the concentration of nitrogen in plants’ tissue is lower in air with high levels of carbon dioxide, regardless of whether or not the …