Expat Files – 08.30.15

-In Latin America, more and more nearly forgotten first-world has-been personalities, lecturers (and faded dinosaurs of rock) are showing up here and there. They’re doing a re-heated hash of their once popular old and moldy seminars and tours. Nope, these folks have not faded into the sunset kindly, instead they’ve found a second life in the 3rd world, a lucky way to cash in on their long past glories.

-Certain adventurous and astute stateside people (and their promoters) have figured out the famous first-world “lag-time effect” combined with the gringo advantage can mean more than a “dead cat bounce”. It often can mean a brand new wave of popularity and success for gringos (even if their Spanish languages skills are nil)

-Today we see Expat Eddie stumbling along trying to use a very effective type of Latin Craig’s list website called www.OLX.com. In this new adventure Eddie’s uses the website to locate and buy a used high-end elliptical trainer. As usual the story has some surprising twists and unexpected turns. Only in Latin America!


Follow the consult link on the main page at www.ExpatWisdom.com and Johnny will help you sort out your Latin American plans.