Stephen Lendman – Israeli Intelligence Debunks Notion of Russia Hacking DNC Emails

No evidence links Russia to hacking DNC emails. Accusations suggesting otherwise are baseless – the latest bashing episode, for geopolitical purposes, shifting attention from Hillary’s disturbing record, and electoral rigging of the primaries.  Israeli military intelligence/Mossad connected DEBKAfile said  “an analysis by (its) intelligence and cyber defense sources has determined that” DNC emails hacking “almost certainly (was) not carried out by (Russia’s …


Interesting headline, yes? I have a two-point intro and then the piece.    First, when a “private” group’s chief individuals flow back and forth constantly between government and that group, the group can be said to be “part” of government, or to have “infiltrated” government, or to have been “folded into” government. (Your phrasing will be determined by who you …

Healthy People 2020 and the Decade of Vaccines – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Healthy People 2020’s latest recommendations are vast in scope and include government intrusion into nearly ever conceivable area of personal life and health, including a National Vaccine Plan. While it appears that the recent measles hysteria pushed a button that rocketed nearly all 50 states to introduce vaccine bills simultaneously, calling to restrict and/or remove vaccine exemptions for children, the plan has …

In Rare Public Admission, North Korea Warns of Worst Drought in Century – Deirdre Fulton

The state news agency of North Korea announced Tuesday that the country is experiencing its worst drought in a century, exacerbating chronic food shortages and drying up rice paddies—imperiling a major sustenance crop in a country where one third of children under five are already stunted due to malnourishment . “The worst drought in 100 years continues in the DPRK, …

Larry Summers has a major warning for the US economy, and everyone should be paying attention

This is a big deal. On Monday, we published Larry Summers’ latest op-ed in The Washington Post, which opened with the former Treasury Secretary and Harvard president writing, “This past month may be remembered as the moment the United States lost its role as the underwriter of the global economic system.” What Summers is referring to is the creation of the Asian Infrastructure …