L.J. Devon – Smart Meters mandated by government spontaneously exploding, setting off fires in private homes

Jolted awake at one in the morning, Veronica Onyskiw of Ontario Canada awoke to the sound of a loud revving car engine. That’s how she described the noise that was growing outside her home. She looked outside and quickly noticed a burning light outside the house, lighting up her backyard. As the revving sound grew louder, the lights in the …

Wenonah Hauter – Ten Years Later, the “Halliburton Loophole” and America’s Dirty Fracking Boom

This past Saturday, Aug. 8 marked a notable 10th anniversary. But it was certainly nothing to celebrate. Ten years ago, President George W.  Bush signed the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The giant energy bill included massive giveaways for the fossil fuel, nuclear and ethanol industries, and provided only token incentives for renewables and improved energy efficiency. But the most infamous piece of …

U.S. Dollar Substitute to Go Public on Oct 20th? BY KELLY BROWN

THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND IS ONE OF THE MOST SECRETIVE AND POWERFUL ORGANIZATIONS IN THE WORLD. They monitor the financial health of more than 185 countries… they establish global money rules… and provide “bail-out” assistance to bankrupt nations. And on Oct 20th of this year, the IMF is expected to announce a reserve currency alternative to the U.S. dollar, which …

“Deep Events”: The Lincoln Assassination and Cover-Up, Part of an On-Going Story – Prof Peter Dale Scott

The 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s murder is one more reminder from the past of a distinctive feature of the American system. This is that some American presidents reach office by assassination, not by election. More importantly, when this happens, a lot of facts are usually going to be left at best unexplained, and often covered up. Few Americans know, …

Oil Market Uncertain As US Shale Boom “Goes Bust”

Oil market is uncertain as the US shale oil output is expected to fall for the first time in four years, and the coming months are likely to see a continuing price war between OPEC producers. Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs and HIS are now projecting that US oil production growth will now end. The global oil price rose slightly in …

Study links swarm of quakes in Texas to natural gas drilling – Seth Borenstein

With real-time monitors, scientists have linked a swarm of small earthquakes west of Fort Worth, Texas, to nearby natural gas wells and wastewater injection. In 84 days from November 2013 to January 2014, the area around Azle, Texas, shook with 27 magnitude 2 or greater earthquakes, while scientists at Southern Methodist University and the U.S. Geological Survey monitored the shaking. …

Bakken Shale Oil Well Output Drops To Lowest Since 2009 – Tyler Durden

In addition to the EIA’s amusing oil price forecast, which as noted previously leaves quite a bit to be desired considering it was a year ago that the EIA completely failed to anticipate the plunge in crude prices, which have collapsed far below its worst case estimate… … there is another more substantial problem with the EIA predicting a consistent increase in …

New Bill Would Have Teachers Diagnose Psychological Issues in Children and Report them to Police

Texas State Representative Jason Villalba (R-Dallas) is once again in the spotlight after submitting yet another Orwellian proposal, H.B. 985. Villalba first raised the ire of civil libertarians by proposing a bill, H.B. 2006, which would have eliminated the religious exemption for vaccination, essentially creating a forced government vaccination program without exception. More recently, Villalba was thrust into the national …