The Gary Null Show – 03.30.18

Obama’s and Trump’s Militarization of Space Bruce Gagnon is the Coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space and the co-founder of the Global Network. For over three decades he has focused on the militarization of space and organized Florida’s largest peace demonstration in opposition of the first test flight of the Trident 2 nuclear missile …

Project Censored – 02.20.18

In 1988 Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky published their influential work, “Manufacturing Consent.” One of the book’s features was the introduction of the ‘propaganda model,’ the Herman/Chomsky analysis of how powerful institutions shape news reporting to serve their interests. In this Project Censored Show, media scholar Rob Williams suggests how the propaganda model can be adapted and updated to address …

Project Censored – 02.13.18

Mickey and Peter devote this week’s show to discussions about the media, including both critiques of corporate media  and a briefing on the latest work from Project Censored. Their first guest, Rob Williams, speaks about fighting corporate fake news,  and introduces his suggested additions to the ‘propaganda model’ set forth by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman in 1988’s “Manufacturing Consent.”  …