The colossal fraud by Volkswagen, the world’s second-biggest vehicle manufacturer, sums up the capitalist system’s approach to the environment. VW rigged vehicle emissions tests worldwide to boost short-term profit. And the EU took no action – pressured by governments backing their own automotive industries. No matter that thousands of people die of diseases directly linked to this pollution, or that …
Merkel, Obama, Erdogan crowned liars of 2015: Survey
A new international survey has ranked German Chancellor Angela Merkel, US President Barack Obama and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as the world’s top three liars of 2015. The recent poll conducted by German web platform, Alles Schall und Rauch, asked more than 3,000 of its readers from Germany and 40 other countries to determine the world’s “liar of the …
Graham Peebles – Market Driven Homelessness in London
As a world community we have agreed that everyone has a right to a home, (article 25 of the UNDHR makes this clear), however, like many such ‘rights’ – food, adequate health care, good education for example, the ‘right’ to a home is dependent upon your ability to pay for that right. Having spent almost two years sleeping on sofas, …
Robert M. Christie – COP21, Bill Gates, And Climate Catastrophe
COP21, like the United Nations climate conferences before it, appears to be floundering over international non-binding showcase “commitments” to reduce carbon emissions — and is emitting effusive illusions of progress. Pleas of island nations fall on deaf ears. The negotiators are ignoring the scientific evidence that the reductions they are talking about fall far short of what is necessary to …
Robert Parry – Obama Ignores Russian Terror Victims
Normally, when a country is hit by an act of terrorism, there is universal sympathy even if the country has engaged in actions that may have made it a target of the terrorists. After 9/11, for instance, any discussion of whether U.S. violent meddling in the Middle East may have precipitated the attack was ruled out of the public debate. …
Ray McGovern – Seeing Syrian Crisis Through Russian Eyes
“To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war,” as Sir Winston Churchill put it at a White House luncheon on June 1954. The aphorism applies in spades today as the U.S., Russia and other key countries involved in troubles in Syria decide whether to jaw or to war. Russia’s recent military intervention in Syria could open up new possibilities for those working …
Dylan Charles – The 10 Most Critical Things to Consider When Consuming Mainstream News
It’s no secret that 90% of American media is owned by just 6 corporate conglomerates, and it’s also no secret that the media is used by political and corporate propagandists as a tool to reach deep into the hearts and minds of the masses.Mainstream newscasts are a staged version of reality, and as world events continue to rise in pitch and …
SARAH WESTWOOD – Hillary’s surprising ties to Tony Blair
Hillary Clinton and Tony Blair, the former prime minister of Britain, enjoyed a close personal relationship that allowed them to collude on a number of foreign policy issues behind the scenes. Blair went from helping the former secretary of state make moves in the Middle East to joining former Clinton insiders at a well-connected consulting firm whose work has stoked …
Nature Bats Last – 09.15.15
On this episode of NBL we are joined today by Dr. Christopher Shaw. Chris is visiting fellow in the field of science and policy research at the University of Sussex. He is interested in building a more participatory process for deliberating on climate policy.
Laurie Penny – What the Corbyn moment means for the left At long last, the left is asking itself whether power without principle is worth having.
The ultimate triumph of the political right in the 1980s was that its actions eventually forced the left to sell its soul for power – but many of today’s young voters neither remember nor care quite why it did so. All we have known are progressive parties that were callous in office and gutless in opposition. That’s why we almost suspect …