Judith Curry is a well credentialed climate scientist, professor at the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and former chair of the department. Judith accepts that there are warming trends, but does not believe the changes will be catastrophic, and does not believe that CO2 is the major cause. You can find out more about her at her blog, http://judithcurry.com, or on her university web page, http://curry.eas.gatech.edu
Following this, David discusses whether the Nice and Munich killers were on psychiatric drugs, such as anti-depressants, that have been associated with psychotic behaviour. David has put together a short list at: http://theinfectiousmyth.com/ssri-violence.html and hopes to have another guest on this subject soon.
Infectious Myth – A New Election System – 07.19.16
David discusses the different types of election and vote counting systems, and why a system that he invented has advantages and unique characteristics. To find out more about ‘Geographical Proportional Representation’, see: http://davidcrowe.ca/GeographicPR/index.html
He finishes the show by discussing the violence of the last few days. Police killing black men with legal guns. Crazy ex-soldiers killing policemen. The truck killings in Nice, and the coup in Turkey.
Infectious Myth – Paul Thomas on Election Justice – 07.12.16
David discusses election justice with Paul Thomas of Election Justice USA. This organizations’ concerns are that many Americans are denied the right to vote through complicated and unfair procedures, such as making it very difficult for independents to vote for a Presidential delegate in California, and that votes, once placed, might not be counted. This can be through corrupted machines, or through the use of provisional ballots, which are rarely counted.
Infectious Myth – Jillian Skeet on Punishing Parents – 07.05.16
David talks with Jillian Skeet about the Stephan case, in which two Canadian parents were punished, the father with jail, the mother with house arrest, for the death of their son Ezekiel, from meningitis. Jillian has experienced the negative health consequences of allopathic health when her son had a serious adverse reaction to MMR. Even though it was recently estimated that 70,000 Canadians a year are injured by medical errors (and some killed), rarely is anyone punished. Yet if you don’t obey the rules, often unwritten, of modern medicine, you can be punished as a scapegoat, like the Stephan family.
David decided to talk to Jillian based on a very sensible open letter she wrote on the Stephan case, which can be found at: http://www.newagora.ca/open-letter-canadas-health-minister-re-conviction-david-collet-stephan-death-son-jillian-skeet/
Happy Independence Day!
Infectious Myth – Joel Savage on Belgium, AIDS and Ebola – 06.28.16
David interviews Joel Savage on AIDS and Ebola, and the dark role of Belgium in African history. Although Joel has worked with Dr. Johan van Dongen on the theory that HIV and Ebola viruses are laboratory engineered, and David is skeptical of this theory, not accepting that there is any evidence the viruses exist, it is still an interesting discussion. Why are there still statues of King Leopold of Belgium who killed a similar number of Africans as Hitler killed Jews? And is the west really helping Africa when it comes to disease, or just using the perceived hopelessness for profit?
You can find out more about Joel’s work at: https://joelsavage1.wordpress.com
The book on AIDS and Ebola that Joel co-authored with Dr. van Dongen can be found at: https://www.amazon.com/Greatest-Medical-History-Against-Mankind-ebook/dp/B016W89W1G/
David also discusses the Orlando Pulse massacre and a recent Journal of the American Medical Association on trends in homicides and suicides, with and without guns, in Australia, before and after strict gun laws were enacted and enforced in 1996 and 1997:
Infectious Myth – Alison Wolf – How the Rise of Working Women has Created a Far Less Equal World – 06.21.16
British author Alison Wolf (Baroness Wolf of Dulwich) discusses how our desire to give women equal opportunities at higher echelons of society has not helped their sisters at lower societal levels in her 2013 book, “The XX Factor”. Is an emphasis on equal pay making women more satisfied with their life? Do the lives of elite women have more in common with men than with the majority of working women? Where have women’s lives improved, and where have they not? And, of course, what about the sex industry?
To find out more about Alison see: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/sspp/departments/management/people/academic/wolf.aspx
Infectious Myth – Steven Naifeh on Vincent Van Gogh – 06.14.16
David interviews Steven Naifeh, and a Pullitzer Prize winner and co-author of a major biography of Vincent van Gogh, about the life of this artist. Vincent never achieved acceptance of either himself, or his art, during his life, even though now he is considered one of the superstars of the art world. There is a certain morbid fascination in examining a life that surely was miserable most of the time, yet produced some of the world’s most beautiful art. His personal problems included dysfunctional relationships with women, including his mother, and his few lovers, and also with his family, that kept him on an allowance, seemingly as long as he kept stayed far, far away. Even syphilis enters the picture and, of course, David doesn’t accept the infectious myth about that. You can find out more about Steven Naifeh and his biographies of van Gogh and Jackson Pollock at: http://stevennaifeh.com
Infectious Myth – Maurice Possley on Exonerations – 06.07.16
David talks with Maurice Possley, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, about exonerations – the cases of people sentenced to a prison term, sometimes for life, sometimes for death, for a crime they didn’t commit. His work on this subject was influential in the decision of the governor of Illinois to commute the death sentences in his state, and also in the abolition of the death penalty there in 2011. Maurice Possley is the Senior Researcher for the National Registry of Exonerations and also writes for the Marshal Project. Read more about his work at: http://www.mauricepossley.com
Infectious Myth – Peter Duesberg on AIDS and Cancer – 05.31.16
David talks to Peter Duesberg about his heretical views on AIDS and cancer. Way back in 1987 he wrote a paper giving the reasons why all retroviruses, not just HIV, could not cause disease in animals. And despite being the discover of the first oncogene, cancer gene, he changed his opinion and now believes that it is not mutations, but the wrong number of chromosomes, aneuploidy, that triggers cancer. Duesberg refers to a 2013 paper on the karyotypes, chromosome counts, of cervical cancer cells, which can be found here: http://molecularcytogenetics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1755-8166-6-44
Infectious Myth – Online Voting – 05.24.16
David talks with Areeq Chowdhury, founder and chief executive of Web Roots Democracy, a United Kingdom-based organization that promotes the idea of online voting in British elections to combat apathy and increase voter turnout, especially among the young. Following that interview David reviews news articles on criminal justice, guns, medicalization of birth and treatment of ADHD and depression.