Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 06.16.16

SOLARTOPIA is home to two great activists, David Swanson and Linda Seeley who are fighting against war and the Diablo Canyon nuke.

David starts with his World Beyond War perspectives on military madness and the fact that nearly all terror attacks are motivated by people seeking revenge for US attacks on their country.

David’s legendary speeches and writings on peace, disarmament and the need to abolish nuclear weapons have made him one of the world’s leaders in winning us a peaceful planet.

Linda then speaks to us from San Luis Obispo, California, on the June 28 hearing in front of the California Lands Commission. The three members of this commission will determine whether Pacific Gas & Electric, owner of the Diablo Canyon nukes, will be required to meet standards laid out in 1970 by the California Environmental Quality Act. Signed by then-Governor Ronald Reagan, the law requires an Environmental Impact Review to protect the tidewater regions now being abused by Diablo Canyon’s cooling system.

A long-time veteran of the fight for safe energy, Linda gives us the details on a regulatory debate that could finally force shut two of the world’s most dangerous nukes.

Project Censored – 05.10.16

For the first half of the program, Peter and Mickey speak with author David Swanson about the state of the U-S peace movement. Then, a look back at the Kent State massacre, now 46 years old. The guests are Laurel Krause, sister of shooting victim Allison Krause, and founder of the Kent State Truth Tribunal, and activist-attorney Michael Kuzma. They discuss recently-discovered evidence, as well as Kuzma’s efforts to obtain documents which could illuminate the FBI’s involvement.

David Swanson – Probing Bernie Sanders’s Identity

Every time I write about a book about Bernie Sanders, somebody sends me a better one. If this keeps up, by the time his campaign is over I should be reading the best book ever written and be completely out of touch with reality. The latest isThe Bern Identity by Will Bunch. These books don’t make me like Bernie Sanders …

Paul Craig Roberts – Obama Deifies American Hegemony

Today is the 70th anniversary of the UN. It is not clear how much good the UN has done. Some UN Blue Hemet peacekeeping operations had limited success. But mainly Washington has used the UN for war, such as the Korean War and Washington’s Cold War against the Soviet Union. In our time Washington had UN tanks sent in against …