Goldman Sachs Chief Threatened by ‘Dangerous’ Criticism from Sanders

Just days after a Bernie Sanders campaign ad singled out Goldman Sachs as “one of the Wall Street banks that triggered the financial meltdown,” the head of the global investment banking firm said such criticism is “dangerous.” According to The Hill: Sanders has railed against Wall Street throughout his populist campaign, accusing the sector of ruining the economy and holding down the middle class. …

Central Banks Warn: Investors May Get Crushed When They All Run for the Exits

Companies are selling bonds like madmen. This year through Tuesday, investment-grade and junk-rated companies have sold $438 billion in new bonds, up 14% from the prior record for this time of the year, set in 2013, according to Dealogic. This quarter is already in second place, nudging up against the all-time quarterly record of $455 billion of Q2 2014. About $87 …