Progressive Radio Network


Why Climate Change Trumps Nuclear War One of many disturbing moments in the first “presidential” “debate” between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump one week ago at…
A recent USA Today poll found 76% of voters want debates with four candidates including not just the two most hated candidates in history, the Republican and…
It’s our freewheeling open forum, and listeners’ opinions and ideas aren’t just part of the program; they are the program, the entire show. Bring your…
The scientific results are in: Antidepressants do not work. Premier researcher Irving Kirsch, PhD brilliantly explains the facts. Then we have a friendly debate about…
It's our weekly open forum, dedicated to listeners’ views about the week’s programs, news issues and events, or any subject worthy of further discussion and/or…
Let’s hear what you have to say—about anything you consider worthy of further discussion and debate. It’s “Free Your Mind Friday” on Leid Stories, and…
Yes, it’s “Free Your Mind Friday” on Leid Stories, and you’re cordially invited to opine, prognosticate, analyze, dissect, debate, challenge, report, differ—you know, sound off.…
It’s time to defrag, time to put the week into proper perspective. That’s what we do on Leid Stories’ “Free Your Mind Friday.” Share your…
“Anybody who thinks they can buy me doesn’t know me.” Hillary Clinton, The Hill, Jan 22, 2016 Hillary Clinton may still win the Democratic Primary race…
It is depressing to witness the ongoing vitriolic voices of vituperation spewing out over the airwaves these days in what passes as “political debate,” especially…
"Fear," a great Jedi master named Yoda once said, "leads to anger," which leads to hate, which leads to suffering, which, of course, leads to…
For years, a sense of disillusionment has been growing on the right. Now, the refugee crisis has magnified that frustration. Increasingly, people from the very…