The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 01.04.17

My guest, Reality Therapist Robert Wubbolding EdD, and I address how to make choices for a better year ahead in 2017. Bob offers practical steps to ensure your choices come out well and we both give examples of good choice making. We also talk about what stops us from making rational choices, both the outside impediments and our internals emotional blocks. It’s about the freedom to choose. This hour can help you to make and keep your New Year’s resolutions, and improve all your future decision-making. Happy New Year to all my listeners!

Why sex gets better in older age

Aging is generally associated with improvements in our quality of life: We become more proficient in our work, learn how to manage our finances better and our bonds with loved ones deepen. With time and practice, most of the core domains of our lives improve as we develop skills and strategies to manage our lives with more mastery. An exception …

Pace of climate change too hot for crops

Climate change is happening faster than many species can adapt to − and climate is changing between 3,000 and 20,000 times faster than many grassland species can respond. Since the grass family includes wheat, corn, rice, sorghum, oats, rye, barley and many other plants that underwrite human survival, this is serious news. Although the new research by scientists in the …

We think better in green buildings, Harvard study shows

A study by the Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard University has shown that green buildings have a positive link to higher cognitive function for workers. The report notes that we “spend about 90% of our time indoors, and buildings have a unique ability to positively or negatively influence our health”. Twenty-four professionals such as architects, designers and engineers …

John Atcheson – The Oligarchy is Using Our Lizard Brain to Enable a Silent Coup

Once again, the fear machine is going into full force as the Presidential primary campaign heats up. If there’s one thing the politicians in general and Republicans in particular don’t want, it’s people going to the polls with their wits about them. They need people to think and vote with their limbic lizard brains, not their prefrontal cortex. And nothing …

Sylvia Booth Hubbard – RFK Jr: Money Is Why Congress Is Stalling Autism Coverup Hearings

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. tells Newsmax Health that money is the reason Congress is delaying hearings on accusations that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hid a link between the mumps, measles, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism.”The pharmaceutical industry is a trillion dollar industry,” Kennedy said in an exclusive interview. “There are other trillion dollar industries, but not …


It has been well established that people have a “bias blind spot,” meaning that they are less likely to detect bias in themselves than others. However, it hasn’t been clear how blind we are to our own actual degree of bias, and how many of us think we are less biased than others. Researchers have developed a tool to measure …