The Gary Null Show – 07.06.17

Today is July 5th and like always The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment and all things political around the world. Gary sets time aside today to play an audio clip ‘I Was Wrong’: Judge Admits Jailing People for Pot ‘Haunts’ Him After Cannabis Saved His Life and Gary finishes up …

DAVE JOHNSON – This Is Why Labor Day, And the Movement That Created It, Matters

Economic anxiety and inequality is contributing (as it always does) to the rise of right-wing, anti-immigrant, xenophobic and racist politics. Many of the people most hurt by the decline of unions are turning to the very politicians who want to kill unions off for good. Economic anxiety can cause people to do things that are against their self-interest. Economic anxiety …

Dean Baker – Your retirement prospects are bleaker than ever

The vast majority of Americans who expect to retire in the next decade can count on little income other than their Social Security. This is true not only for low-income workers, who have struggled most of their lives, but also for millions of middle-income workers. Although Social Security is a tremendously important program, and provides a solid base that retirees …