AIR pollution and a shortage of sunshine may increase the risk of dementia, Scottish research has revealed. Experts at Edinburgh University have drawn up a shortlist of environmental hazards that might make people more prone to illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease. Exposure to traffic and factory fumes and a lack of vitamin D, which is created when skin is exposed …
Reports on Peptides and Proteins from Indian Institute of Technology Provide New Insights [Action of Caffeine as an Amyloid Inhibitor in the…
Reports on Peptides and Proteins from Indian Institute of Technology Provide New Insights [Action of Caffeine as an Amyloid Inhibitor in the Aggregation of A beta(16-22) Peptides] By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Life Science Weekly — A new study on Peptides and Proteins is now available. According to news reporting out of Gauhati, India, by NewsRx editors, research …
Global Alert News – 10.01.16
The clock continues to tick toward midnight, time is not on our side. Make your voice heard in the fight for the greater good while there is still time to make a difference.
How meditation reduces the risk of inflammation and disease
Meditation has been linked with numerous health benefits and measurable positive physical changes. While some criticize it as “navel-gazing,” calling it too “new-age” or a waste of time, the truth is that meditation brings a range of benefits to the body, mind and spirit. Mindfulness meditation, in particular, seems to have the ability to prevent disease and the internal inflammation that gives rise …
The Gary Null Show – 08.18.16
Today on The Gary Null Show. Gary star ts with some insightful news for you health like how Diet and exercise can reduce protein build-ups linked to Alzheimer’s, study shows. Gary then covers some smaller and larger issues covering Whistle blowers, The Clinton Foundation, Climate Change and more world issues.
The Gary Null Show – 05.30.16
On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary gave the audience all this great information and hope everyone enjoys.
Standard Treatment for Prostate Cancer May Encourage Spread of Disease
7 foods that your prostate hates
Big belly boosts risk of later dementia
Cancer screening has never saved lives
Costly breast cancer screenings don’t add up to better outcomes
Cancer screening has never saved lives
Thimerosal: A vaccine ingredient’s toxic legacy
The more Vaccines an infant receives in its first year, The higher the mortality rate
Statistically significant correlations between vaccines and vaccines, infant Hospitalizations and deaths
Can Adderall abuse trigger temporary schizophrenia?
What’s in a cough? 20,000 viruses
Gary takes a music break and plays this track – The Doobie Brothers – Long train without love where would you be mow. Gary returns to play videos and then finished the show with a caller talking about Vaccines from Italy back in the 1900s.
VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Laughs at Supporting Al Qaeda in Syria and Libya
VIDEO: Empire Files: Abby Martin exposes what Hillary Clinton really represents
The Gary Null Show – 05.05.16
On “The Gary Null Show” today, these are the topics Gary discussed and here are the links for you to read more:
Could Watercress be an unlikely tool in fight against smoking? Extract taken several times a day ‘DETOXIFIES carcinogens in cigarettes’
High-fat diet starves the brain
Food processing linked to an increase in type 2 diabetes
Group activities reduced depressive symptoms among older people with dementia
Toxic Weed Killer Showing Up in Some of the Most Commonly Eaten Foods in America
Greenpeace: TTIP means genetic engineering
TTIP—American Economic Imperialism Paul Craig Roberts
Gary takes a quick break and plays this classic: War – Edwin Starr. Gary goes into these topics next:
VIDEO: How the FBI Sabotaged Black America
Here is Gary’s article he spoke about that he wrote with Richard Gale:
Richard Gale and Gary Null – The Vaccine Dilemma: Unsafe at Any Dose
7 Conditions Masquerading As Dementia
More than 40% of dementia diagnoses have been shown to be wrong. Here’s what may really be going on. Imagine this nightmare. For the last few years your mother has had serious memory problems. She gets lost driving. She repeats the same question to you over and over again. She can’t process new information. She loses her train of …
When memory loss should concern you
Although there is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s Disease, Dr. Patrick Coll of UConn’s Center on Aging recommends early screening for those with memory loss, to diagnose whether it is caused by dementia and try to slow its progression. UConn Health’s Memory Assessment Program, part of the Center on Aging, screens patients for dementia, a set of cognitive brain diseases …
‘Super-agers’ study may reveal secrets to staying young
Mary Helen Abbott, 77, paints her lips bright pink, still smokes the occasional cigarette, keeps up on all the gossip at the retirement home and wears a short skirt to fitness class. She giggles as the aerobics instructor shouts—”Swagger! Like you are going to meet someone famous!”—then she and a dozen seniors throw shoulders back, lift their knees high and …