“Eleanor LeCain talks about the stunning elections where Democrats won across the country and what they mean for our future, with Joshua Holland, contributor to The Nation magazine, and Daniel Squadron, Co-founder and Executive Director of Future Now, a new organization whichsupports candidates who push for progress on 7 ambitious, measurable goals in local state governments to drive nationwide change.” …
Corporate Crime Runs Rampant Thanks to ‘Rigged’ System: Elizabeth Warren
“Corporate criminals routinely escape meaningful prosecution for their misconduct.” This is the damning verdict of Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-Mass.) report released Friday, Rigged Justice: How Weak Enforcement Lets Corporate Offenders Off Easy(pdf). “Justice cannot mean a prison sentence for a teenager who steals a car, but nothing more than a sideways glance at a C.E.O. who quietly engineers the theft of …
Love Lust And Laughter – 01.19.16
Michael Jonas and his wife Barbara were voted by PEOPLE magazine to be one of America’s Most Romantic Couples. They have created many games – games that ABC News proclaimed were love, laughter and romance…in a box. An Enchanting Evening was the first. For free downloads, go to www.TimeforTwo.com you’ll see that the shopping cart has been set up so that you listeners can get a copy of either Romantic Interlude or Make-a-Date. Use the code word Wiley. These games encourage playful touch and supportive communication! Dr. Diana and Michael Jonas focused on the question, “Are you too old for sex?” Part 2 on February 2nd will deal more with romance as we get closer to Valentine’s Day.
Resistance Radio – Brian Ertz – 01.17.16
Brian Ertz is board president of Wildlands Defense. He has spent the last decade resisting this culture’s depraved relationship to the natural world via grassroots organizing, national media initiatives, administrative and legislative policy advocacy, and in support of a variety of litigation efforts aimed at preserving a wide variety of landscapes and wildlife species in the West. Today we talk about the armed right wing occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon.
Poll: Democrats losing grip on young voters – DANIELLE OHL
The Democratic Party may be losing its overwhelming hold on the nation’s youngest voters – suggesting trouble holding the White House. Millennial voters, ages 18-29, are not as decidedly Democratic as when Barack Obama was on the presidential ticket, according to a new poll by the Institute on Politics at Harvard University. Today, they say they’d vote for a Democrat …