Ralph Nader – Why Bernie Sanders was Right to Run as a Democrat

During a recent town hall in Columbus, Ohio, Sen. Bernie Sanders said the unthinkable. At least, you would have thought he did, judging by the response of several Democratic operatives. Sanders was deemed “extremely disgraceful” by Donna Brazile, vice chair of the Democratic National Committee, and “a political calculating fraud” by Brad Woodhouse, a former DNC communications director. What was …

Democrats have their history wrong — and are about to make a grievous mistake

Lesson of 1972 isn’t that progressive nominees lose. Dems lose when they are out of step with voters, like Hillary KATHY DONOHUE This election cycle, Democratic Party leaders are pleading with younger voters to heed the lessons of history. Echoing George Santayana’s famous warning: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” they urge millennials to take …

DNC Vice-Chair Resigns, Throws Support Behind Bernie Sanders

U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii announced Sunday that she will resign as vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee and endorse Bernie Sanders for president. “I think it’s most important for us, as we look at our choices as to who our next commander in chief will be, is to recognize the necessity to have a commander in chief who …

SCOTT MCLARTY – Political Revolution and the Third-Party Imperative

“You’ve had your fun with Bernie. Now it’s time to get serious and support Hillary.” That’s the harangue Bernie Sanders’ supporters have been hearing from mainstream Democratic Party leaders and their apologists in the media. It’s bound to intensify in the wake of the virtual tie in the Iowa caucuses on February 1 and his projected win in the New …

Four Horsemen of Democracy

It was also a shock to the system that a candidate universally known in Iowa, with deep pockets and long experience, could come close to losing to a relative unknown who was initially considered little more than a protest candidate.” Just think of it! The tiny, tightly controlled consciousness that calls itself The World’s Greatest Democracy got all rattled and …

Bernie Sanders Calls Out US Policy on GMOs, Slams Monsanto

Senator from Vermont and Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has been standing up for sustainable farming and non-GMO food. This piece isn’t meant to prop Sanders up on a pedestal but rather is meant to be a reminder to consider how your favorite presidential candidate will vote on GMOs once elected. Sanders helped to pass legislation that protects family-owned farms, not huge Agrichemical farms that …

Leid Stories – 02.02.16

So, What Have We Learned from the Iowa Caucuses?
Leid Stories deconstructs the Iowa caucuses. The first voting event in the 2016 presidential election, it defied predicted outcomes and winnowed the ranks of both Republican and Democratic contenders. But it also confirmed the validity of and need for serious grassroots political movements that challenge the status quo, says Leid Stories.

PAUL STREET – The Iowa Caucus is a Classist and Ageist Farce

In Iowa, as across the nation, lots of people work during the early to middle evening, after the traditional dinner hour. Tow-truck drivers. Nurses’ aides. Nurses. Resident emergency room doctors. EMTs. Hotel receptionists. Cops. Security guards. Second-shift production workers. Custodians. Retail clerks. Waitresses. Dishwashers. Butchers at the grocery store. Chicken-shacklers at poultry-processing plants. English as a Second Language night instructors. …

Countering Clinton’s Super PAC Loot, Sanders Campaign says, “Bernie Doesn’t Want Billionaires’ Money”

As Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton agree to hold four additional debates, the Sanders campaign is seeking to highlight something that sets it apart from other candidates’: it’s raising no money from super PACs. BuzzFeed News first reported Saturday that the two campaigns had agreed in principle to the additional debates if they are sanctioned by the DNC: Both sides, still in separate …

Adam Johnson – Media Attacking Single-Payer Are Getting Paid Under Current Health System

With the first nomination contest only two days away, the corporate media reaction to Bernie Sanders’ surprisingly strong campaign, while not reaching Jeremy Corbyn-level hysteria, has reached a noticeable panic—one marked by let’s-not-upset-the-base qualified criticism and exquisitely curated concern-trolling. The most cynical argument being advanced is that Sanders’ support for a single-payer health program is a pie-in-the-sky fantasy, in contrast to the …