The 9 biggest revelations in the State IG report on Clinton’s emails

The State Department’s inspector general report on Wednesday offered little absolution for Hillary Clinton or several of her top aides who refused to cooperate with the investigation into the former secretary of state’s exclusive use of a private email server. The 83-page document, which was given to lawmakers and leaked to the press, noted systemic problems with records at the …

KSHAMA SAWANT – The (un)Democratic Primary: Why We Need a New Party of the 99%

Despite a decisive victory Tuesday providing further confirmation of her likely nomination, in many respects Hillary Clinton emerges from the New York primary more damaged, her party more divided, than she entered it. What came to be called The Battle of New York has served only to further expose what millions of people in the U.S. are becoming painfully aware …

Trevor Timm – Money influences everybody. That includes Hillary Clinton

Democrats have a decision to make: do they think money in politics is a corrupting force that influences the decisions made by elected officials, or not? After years railing against the Citizens United decision, which opened the floodgates to outside spending in elections, some of them appear to have done a complete reversal. The Clinton campaign has spent the last few …

Eric Zuesse – Proof that Ignorance Drives Hillary Clinton’s Voters

Although no organization that predictively polls the Democratic Presidential primaries has sampled the question (or its equivalent) “What is the most important reason why you prefer that candidate?” the assumption by political pundits has always been that, regarding Hillary Clinton voters, perhaps the most important reason for their choice of Clinton over Sanders is that she would be a stronger …

Gaius Publius – The Goal of the Neo-Liberal Consensus Is to Manage the Decline

If you think of the country as in decline, as most people do, and you think the cause is the predatory behavior of the big-money elites, as most people do, then you must know you have only two choices — acceptance and resistance. Why do neo-liberal Democrats, like the Clinton campaign, not want you to have big ideas, like single-payer …

MANUEL GARCÍA, JR.- The Cult of Hillary, the Ultimate Junk Bond

Why do so many black Americans support Hillary Clinton? Stockholm Syndrome. They are faithful battered wives. They are yoked to Hillary by co-dependency: “I’ve stuck by you and suffered to do so for so long that you owe me, and I have faith that you will reward me later if I help you reach your goal now.” In their minds …

Michael Kreiger – Why Hillary Clinton Cannot Beat Donald Trump

This morning, I read a fantastic article by Nathan J. Robinson in Current Affairs titled: Unless the Democrats Run Sanders, a Trump Nomination Means a Trump Presidency. Several months ago, I would have disagreed with this statement, but today I think it’s entirely accurate. One thing Clinton supporters remain in complete denial about (other than the fact most Americans who don’t identify as Democrats find her …

Leslie Eastman – Gloria Steinem (1996): Bernie Sanders is an “Honorary Woman”

It is too bad for the Clintons that the Internet can travel back nearly 20 years! Feminist icons spent the weekend shaming women into voting for Hillary Clinton. Her husband, former President Bill Clinton, even smeared supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders as sexist trolls. But video taken 20 years ago show that Vermont’s socialist representative was made an“honorary woman” by feminist luminary Gloria Steinem herself. …

Zach Carter – Democrats Are Fuming About Hillary Clinton’s ‘Smear’ Line

WASHINGTON — Democrats are fuming over presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton’s defense of the millions of dollars she made giving speeches to Wall Street. Her latest effort to push back against critics undermines years of Democratic claims about the influence of money in politics, invoking a central tenet of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. In last week’s head-to-head debate with Bernie …

Sanders Vows To Kill TPP If Elected. Will Clinton?

As the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) “free-trade” agreement was signed in New Zealand by representatives of the 12 participating countries, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders strongly voiced his opposition and committed to doing what he can to kill the deal if he is elected president. Rival Hillary Clinton has also stated opposition to the TPP, but will she also vow to …