Focus On The Facts – 04.24.18

Patricia Negron and I covered the methods now being used to take down the Global Pedophile Network and the involvement of the Vatican, governments, politicians and world leaders in running this Network. Also discussed latest news on child trafficking arrests, Geoengineering weather warfare and the illegal war in Syria.   Download this episode (right click and save)

Economic Update – Distorting Economic Truths – 04.15.18

Updates on labor strikes at Disney, home sales and prices drop sharply, Nestle profits by privatizing water, hurting the post office profits UPS and FedEx, Larry Summers wrong on taxing soda, more costs of the VW emissions scandal, the economic costs of sexual harassment. Interview with Julianna Forlano, journalist and comedian on ‘being funny in times like these’.   Download …

Project Censored – 04.10.18

On this week’s program, we hear a recent speech by the legedary political activist and consumer-rights advocate Ralph Nader. Nader outlines some of the most critical problems facing Americans ” including exorbitant military spending, out-of-control corporations, and thousands of annual deaths in the workplace, or from lack of health care coverage. But then he names some individuals who’ve made a …

Ask Beatty – 03.26.18

LET’S TALK ABOUT EXTRAMARITAL AFFAIRS   Beatty talked about the incidence of extramarital affairs and the reasons why people CHEAT. What should women and men do if they discover that their spouse is having an affair? Can marriages survive an affair? Tune in to a show that will hopefully answer  most if not all of your questions about extramarital affairs. …

Black Agenda Radio – 03.26.18

Welcome to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host Nellie Bailey. Coming up: The U.S. Senate voted down a bill, sponsored by Bernie Sanders, that would have ended U.S. participation in the war against Yemen: activists gathered, in New York City, to explore ways to end the U.S. governement war …

Meria Heller – Awaken with Meria and Monnica – 03.25.18

Awaken with Meria and Monnica. Todays topic is past lives. the frequencies hitting all of us now;releasing old emotional issues that express in illness; is it now or then? color therapy;moving water;releasing techniques;past lives and phobias;imprinting;bleedovers;clues to past lives;how to observe without emotional attachment;future life progressions;always in 2 places at once;parallel lives;FEAR-false evidence appearing real;”Today I choose to love”; healing your present through your …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 03.22.18

A NEW ERA OF ELECTION PROTECTION comes to Solartopia with three great experts. JOHN BRAKEY has been stumping the nation inspecting voting machines and advocating for paper ballots counted electronically, with a ballot image stored in the machines.  Simultaneously a paper ballot is produced and stored for verification. He’s been joined in advocating this technology by TIM WHITE, long-time election …

Leid Stories—The Trump Presidency: In What Ways Has It Changed, Or Is Changing, Your View of Politics?—03.14.18

Almost no one is neutral about President Donald Trump. But whether pro or con on the president, there’ll be agreement that Trump has dramatically impacted—and changed—politics in the United States. Leid Stories listeners decipher how, in a very short time, Trump has reset America’s political clock.   Download this episode (right click and save)  


I continue my deep-dive series interviewing scores of progressives candidates running all across the country with three new segments with three Congressional candidates: James Thompson in Kansas, David Gill in Illinois and Rico Franco in California…all regular people jumping into the electoral world. Our Robber Barons of the week are the U.S. Senate fools—including 12 Democrats—who are supporting a rollback …