Dental fillings with mercury can cause over 30 chronic health conditions –

If you think the only thing to fear from a dental visit is some discomfort, think again. Conventional dentistry practices, like putting dental fillings loaded with mercury in the mouth, are exposing the body to neurotoxic heavy metals and increasing the risk of systemic infections – which lead to many chronic health conditions. Dental amalgam fillings are made of material containing between 43 and …

Will warning labels scare parents away from soda?

Health warning labels like those found on cigarette and other tobacco products could have a powerful effect on whether parents buy soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages for their kids. Findings of a new study—the first of its kind to examine the influence of warning labels—shows that regardless of a parent’s level of education, they may be significantly less likely to …

Dr. Edward Group – The 5 Best Natural Alternatives to Fluoride for Dental Health

Fluoride’s role as an endocrine disruptor and neurotoxin has been known for a while now but, unfortunately, it’s still used in many dental products to this day. Nowadays, there are so many other things you can use for a healthy mouth and bone protection. The overall health issues associated with fluoride consumption just aren’t worth it. Natural Alternatives to Fluoride Protecting your teeth …

Coconut Oil Pulling Superior to Chemicals for Oral Health

Swishing your mouth out with coconut oil may be a more effective and safer alternative to chemical mouthwashes, according to new research.  A new study has proven for the first time that the oral use of coconut oil is effective in reducing plaque related to gingivitis, a common form of inflammation in the gum tissue of the mouth that occurs …

Fight cavities and gingivitis naturally with homemade DIY Oral health

Forget buying toothpaste, reading all of those ingredients, wondering if you can recycle the toothpaste tube or not. Make your own toothpaste, mouthwash, and more. There’s nothing you can get in the store that will do as well as these recipes. But remember, there’s nothing you can do for your gums and teeth that will heal them and keep them …