Heart of Mind, Radio for the New Millennium, A central source for health, consciousness, spirituality and self-liberation. Hosted by Kathryn Davis. On today’s program, Kathryn offers a discussion about conscious awareness with Srinivas Arka. Featured Music: Circle Of Light by Walela Srinivas Arka is a World Renowned Philosopher, Inspirational Speaker, Author, Developer of Human Positive Potential Programmes and a Founder of the Centre For Conscious Awareness …
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 04.20.17
Legendary election protection hero BEV HARRIS joins Berkeley filmmaker DON GOLDMACHER in a powerful Solartopian excursion into the land of election theft. Bev’s BLACKBOX VOTING work has paved the way for a generation of activists and researchers looking into our broken system of electing officials. She lays out for us the critical elements in electronic manipulation and voter elimination which …
Leid Stories—Some Leaders Have A Plan for Trump: Play Ball!—03.29.17
President Donald Trump wants to make nice. It’s finally getting through to him that his presidential “brand” stinks and that he’s the main reason. It’s bad when your own party helps to defeat you in your first big-league battle. Clearly, Trump is in a bind.
Oregon Couple Told They Have No Water Rights, Forced To Destroy Their Own Pond
… Because the rain belongs to the overbearing government, because corporate greed claims water is not a human right, and because Americans are not entitled to do what they please on their private property… Remember the Oregon ‘Rain Man’ or Gary Harrington — who was sent to 30 days in Jackson County Jail and slapped with a $1,500 fine for …
Rebecca Solnit – Standing Rock Protests: This Is Only the Beginning
pioneer monument and a lot of state troopers with batons and riot helmets stood between the mostly young native activists and the North Dakota state capitol on Friday afternoon. Many of the activists arriving at the capitol’s vast green lawn hadn’t heard that the Washington DC judge had decided against the Standing Rock reservation Sioux lawsuit. That was the lawsuit …
LOA Today – 08.24.16
Pets … did you know that they can play a major role in helping us put the Law of Attraction to work in a positive way in our lives? Not only do pets help traumatized kids (and adults), but they also inspire us to focus on the moment, to give and receive unconditional love, and to truly appreciate the simple …
Resistance Radio – Sherri Tippie – 08.14.16
For the past two decades Sherri Tippie has been trapping unwanted beaver in the great Denver area and relocating them to happier homes in the mountains of Colorado. Nationally recognized for her expertise in trapping and re-locating beaver, Sherrie explains how she learned her craft: “Hey, it’s not that hard. I’m a woman. I read the directions that came with the traps.” A haircutter for inmates in the Arapahoe County Jail, Sherrie claims, “my guys at the prison know more about beaver than most people with fancy degrees.” She lives in Lakewood, Colorado with her family of furry friends. Today we talk about beaver.
JESSE VENTURA – Why are Lawmakers So Afraid to Legalize Marijuana?
There are many legal activities we can partake in that aren’t exactly healthy decisions, but our government has no say in how frequently we do them or if we’re doing them to excess. For instance, as Americans, we can buy and consume as much alcohol as we want, we can smoke as many cigarettes as we want, and we can eat as much fast food as we want. …
Garnet Henderson – Homeless Are Flocking to America’s Forests, But It’s Damaging the Land
In 2006, Becky Blanton decided to make a radical life change. She wanted adventure, and she set out to be a full-time camper, moving into her van and parking mostly on forest roads. But then she lost her job, and she had no choice but to continue living in her van. She parked on public lands throughout Colorado, Kentucky, Tennessee, …
A Just Cause – Unequal Justice in America – 02.07.16
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks talks to Jasmine Lima-Marin and Attorney Patrick Megaro, who are currently fighting for the release of Rene Lima-Marin. Rene was released mistakenly on a clerical error and after error was discovered, he was sent back to prison to serve out a life sentence for robbery.