Expat Files – 01.05.17

#1- Beware of gringos and expats who constantly complain about everything. Yes, you will meet the occasional whiney “time vampire” gringo who craves an audience and then proceeds to suck the energy out of a room. There are expert expat complainers and its in your best interest to avoid them. The trouble is we get all kinds, a large cross section, …

Trends This Week – Trends Journal predicts upcoming economic, political and social trends – 06.21.17

Global forecaster Gerald Celente has released his 2nd Quarter Trends Journal for 2017. With topics spanning the economy, Middle East conflict, aging and so much more, the Trends Journal allows you to read History Before it Happens®. Meanwhile, as forecast, tensions are heating up in the Middle East and the repercussions could be disastrous. Learn more at Trendsresearch.com. Download this episode (right click and …

Will Hurd – US, UK, World Bank Among Aid Donors Complicit in Ethiopia’s War on Indigenous Tribes, Opening the Way to International Agribusiness

USAID, the UK’s DFID and the World Bank are among those covering up for severe human rights abuses against indigenous peoples in Ethiopia’s Omo Valley, inflicted during forced evictions to make way for huge plantations, writes Will Hurd. Their complicity in these crimes appears to be rooted in US and UK partnership with Ethiopia in the ‘war on terror’. In …

Billy Briggs – World Bank Peddling Private, For-Profit Schools In Africa, Disguised As Aid

EDINBURGH — Private, for-profit schools in Africa funded by the World Bank and U.S. venture capitalists have been criticized by more than 100 organizations who’ve signed a petition opposing the controversial educational venture. A May statement addressed to Jim Kim, president of the World Bank, expressed deep concern over the global financial institution’s investment in a chain of private primary …

Unsuccessful Modern Medical Miracles: The Fraud Behind the Polio and Smallpox Vaccines – Part 2

Unsuccessful Modern Medical Miracles: The Fraud Behind the Polio and Smallpox Vaccines Part 2:  The Smallpox Vaccine: A Real Threat that Should be a Forgotten Threat   Richard Gale and Gary Null Progressive Radio Network, June 15, 2105   A visit to the village of Berkeley in the UK will bring you to the home of Dr. Edward Jenner, the …

How the Great Food War Will Be Won By Jonathan Latham

By conventional wisdom it is excellent news. Researchers from Iowa have shown that organic farming methods can yield almost as highly as pesticide-intensive methods. Other researchers, from Berkeley, California, have reached a similar conclusion. Indeed, both findings met with a very enthusiastic reception. The enthusiasm is appropriate, but only if one misses a deep and fundamental point: that even to participate in such a conversation …

Should Aid Money be Used as a Tool for Expanding Free Markets? – Nick Dearden

Ask a particularly extreme proponent of the free market how they see the future, and they might conjure up schools run by Coca-Cola and education programmes administered by Price Waterhouse Coopers. Or they might see hospitals operated as companies by nurse-entrepreneurs who compete for private equity funds. To the rest of us, this sounds like a nightmare. But it is …

Saving Seeds: Farmers Rise Up Against Industry-Backed Laws

For millennia, the practice of saving and exchanging seeds has been fundamental to crop production in farming communities across the globe. Now, faced with a growing push on the part of governments and corporate agribusiness to limit this practice and thus threaten the food sovereignty of millions, farmers worldwide are fighting back. International peasant farmer and food justice groups La Via …

Who controls our food?

Sympathy with organic food production is at an all-time high. Perhaps ‘It’s a nice idea, when you can afford it’ sums up the approach of many people. But extending these principles of production to the whole food system? It just doesn’t seem practical. There are an awful lot of people to feed in the world and, if you’re hungry, you …