Dahr Jamail is an award winning journalist and author who is a full-time staff reporter for Truthout.org. His work is currently focusing on Anthropogenic Climate Disruption. Today we talk about the murder of the oceans. Download this episode (right click and save)
Resistance Radio – Matthew Schwartz – 07.03.16
Matt Schwartz is Executive Director of the South Florida Wildlands Association – an organization founded to protect habitat, wilderness, and biodiversity in the Greater Everglades. Over the years, he’s been involved in numerous battles over management of public lands, energy projects, habitat development, and Everglades restoration. Today we talk about threats to black bears in Florida
Resistance Radio – Vivian Stockman – 06.26.16
Vivian Stockman is project coordinator for the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (OVEC), which is based in Huntington, West Virginia. Stockmans photos of mountaintop removal and the movement to stop this extreme coal-mining practice have been published in newspapers, magazines, books, and documentaries and on websites. Publications credits include the New York Times, the Washington Monthly, Orion Magazine, World Watch Magazine, E Magazine, French Geo and dozens more. She has assisted with, consulted for and been filmed for several documentaries including Time to Choose, The Last Mountain, Burning the Future, Goodbye Gauley Mountain and others.
Progressive Commentary Hour – 06.21.16
Guest #1 – Derrick Jensen has become one of the nation’s leading voices of cultural and environmental dissent, who writes about civilization devastating impact upon the environment and the natural world, and our society’s denial of that fact. Utne Reader listed Derrick among the 50 visionaries changing the world. In sharp contrast to environmental optimists who believe working within the corporate system will offset the tenuous planetary balance threatened by climate change, Derrick has advocated for many years a “dismantling of civilization” which can include radical dissent as well as imparting wisdom to our children. Derrick has written many books influential books. His recently released “The Myth of Human Supremacy” may be perhaps be one of his important that goes to heart of the rapid pace in environmental and ecological degradation. He also hosts a weekly radio program, Resistance Radio, on the Progressive Radio Network every Sunday evening at 6:00 pm Eastern time. His website is www.DerrickJensen.org
Guest #2 – Diana Beresford-Kroeger is an Irish-Canadian researcher, scientist and nature mystic who perhaps knows more about trees and forests than anyone in North America. She is an expert botanist and medical biochemist who has written extensively on the molecular biology of trees, their medicinal properties, the social interactions between trees and other life forms in our forests, sustainable forestry, and the traditional wisdom trees hold for healing. Her scientific work has appeared in The American Heart Journal and the Journal of Microscopy. In past she has held science posts at the Canadian Department of Agriculture and the University of Ottawa School of Medicine. Diana’s research gardens outside Ottawa, open to the public, include rare plants from Turkey, Iran, China, and a hundred rare types of trees from the northern forests and other countries, many that are endangered. Her latest book, “The Sweetness of a Simple Life.” And a documentary on Diana’s work across many nations to restore forests, “The Call of the Forest” is scheduled to be released in Fall. More about her work can be found at StuartBernstein.com/DianaBeresford-Kroeger.html
Resistance Radio – Thomas Linzey – 06.19.16
Thomas Linzey is the executive director and an attorney for the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, which has assisted close to 200 communities across the country in eight states to adopt binding local laws that elevate community rights to sustainability over corporate rights and powers.
Resistance Radio – Guy McPherson – 05.29.16
More than ten years into a career in the academic ivory tower, McPherson turned his efforts on social criticism. These efforts continue, with climate change a primary focus of his current work. He is the author of Extinction Dialog. Today we talk about patriarchy and civilization.
Resistance Radio – Fiona Corke – 05.22.16
Fiona Corke is an Australian actor, wildlife campaigner and activist. For 8 years she has volunteered as Vice President for the Australian Society for Kangaroos raising awareness of the beauty and also the cruel fate of kangaroos slaughtered for damage mitigation by farmers and government departments and the commercial kangaroo industry for their meat and skins. In 2007 Fiona cofounded the Macedon Ranges Wildlife Network, where she lives. The network is actively involved in wildlife rescue, wildlife care and rehabilitation and raises awareness of the risks and threats wildlife faces from human interaction and imminent development. Today we talk about kangaroos.
Resistance Radio – Kristine McDivitt Tompkins – 05.08.16
Kristine McDivitt Tompkins is the former CEO of Patagonia, who retired in 1993 and moved to Chile with her husband Douglas Tompkins, where she began her conservation work between Chile and Argentina of purchasing and putting into permanent conservation (in the form of national parks) 2.2 million acres.
Resistance Radio – Stephanie McMillan – 05.01.16
Stephanie McMillan’s comics and writing have appeared in hundreds of publications and venues. She is the author of seven books, including Capitalism Must Die!, a basic overview of capitalism and revolution, and creator of the new calendar “365 Daily Affirmations for Revolutionary Proletarian Militants.” Stephanie has been an organizer against capitalism all her life.
Resistance Radio – Vivian Stockman – 04.24.16
Vivian Stockman is project coordinator for the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (OVEC), which is based in Huntington, West Virginia. Stockman’s photos of mountaintop removal and the movement to stop this extreme coal-mining practice have been published in newspapers, magazines, books, and documentaries and on websites. Publications credits include the New York Times, the Washington Monthly, Orion Magazine, World Watch Magazine, E Magazine, French Geo and dozens more. She has assisted with, consulted for and been filmed for several documentaries including Time to Choose, The Last Mountain, Burning the Future, Goodbye Gauley Mountain and others. Today we talk about mountaintop removal.