Pentagon Deliberately Thwarting Efforts to Close Guantanamo

Reuters exposes ‘pattern’ of obstructionism that has prevented or delayed the transfer of cleared detainees President Obama’s repeated pledges to close the Guantánamo Bay detention center have been routinely and deliberately undermined by his own Department of Defense, according to a damning new investigation published on Monday. Citing numerous administration officials, Reuters exposed a “pattern” of bureaucratic obstacles imposed by the U.S. Pentagon which …

Lilly Martin – San Bernardino Terrorist Attack is Directly Linked to Saudi Arabia

Tashfeen Malik, who killed 14 and injured 17 in USA recently, pledged allegiance to ISIS. The national security interests of America depends on fighting Radical Islam, which is the state sponsored religious ideology of Saudi Arabia. In order to eliminate ISIS, the power base and support must be targeted, and that is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the Saudi …

Charles Hugh Smith – A Fatal Accident Waiting to Happen: U.S. Healthcare

U.S. healthcare isn’t just an historical accident–it is a fatal accident waiting to happen. Many of the systems we take for granted are historical accidents. Either based on legacy systems hundreds of years old (higher education) or assembled in a short-term, ad hoc fashion (post-1940 national defense/ national security), these systems have expanded into vast patronage systems that are completely …

Bringing the Crisis to a Head in Baltimore – Glen Ford

“The only thing that can work to fundamentally change the system for Black people – whether in the 21st century or the Sixties – is mass organization for popular empowerment.” It’s been nine months since the Black youth of Ferguson, Missouri, set history in motion with their demand for justice for Michael Brown, yet the “movement” has maintained its momentum while …

The Wars Come Home – Michael Gould-Wartofsky

Last week, as Baltimore braced for renewed protests over the death ofFreddie Gray, the Baltimore Police Department (BPD) prepared for battle. With state-of-the-art surveillance of local teenagers’ Twitter feeds, law enforcement had learned that a group of high school students was planning to march on the Mondawmin Mall. In response, the BPD did what any self-respecting police department in post-9/11 …