GMO promoters enthuse about how GM crops will be able to help the poor and hungry, far in the future, writes Claire Robinson. But they are silent about the currently-planted GM crops – 99% of them herbicide-tolerant or insecticidal. Could it be because opponents of the technology are being proved right at every turn? Insofar as reason and science are …
In Age of Extreme Weather, Industrial Farming Threatens Us All
Extreme weather is damaging to crop production and threatens food safety worldwide, according to a new study published in Nature on Wednesday. And the most developed nations like the U.S., which rely heavily on industrial monocultures for food production, are particularly vulnerable. The study, which evaluated cereal production losses due to extreme weather in 177 countries from 1964-2007, found that …
World’s Small Farmers Fighting Back as WTO Pushes Corporate Agenda
The World Trade Organization (WTO) kicked off its 10th ministerial conference in Kenya on Tuesday to develop a new free trade agreement, as grassroots activists rallied worldwide against measures they say would undermine the rights of small-scale farmers in developing countries. It is the first time the WTO has met in Africa, where free trade and globalization have left a legacy of …
Ronald Kostoff – Absence of Evidence is Not Evidence of Absence
Non-communicable diseases have been increasing in recent decades, and have replaced communicable diseases as the leading cause of mortality globally. I hypothesized these non-communicable diseases have a strong anthropogenic (man-made) component. To test the hypothesis, I conducted a study that would identify pervasive ’causes’ of disease. These are causes/contributing factors that would impact many diseases. Additionally, these ’causes’ were restricted …
Jack A. Smith – Climate Change, Rising Levels of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Global Warming
This article first published in December 2013, documents the failure of the Climate Change COP19 Â Conference in Warsaw. What prospects for Paris COP21? The sharply increasing scientific indicators of impending disastrous global climate change have failed to motivate the principal developed countries, led by the U.S., to accelerate the lackluster pace of their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This …
Study: When Human Consumption Slows, Planet Earth Can Heal – Lauren McCauley
Despite the oft-repeated claim that the recent decline in U.S. carbon emissions was due to the so-called ‘fracking boom,’ new research published Tuesday shows that it was the dramatic fall in consumption during the Great Recession that deserves credit for this drop. As nations grapple with the best strategy for decreasing carbon emissions ahead of the upcoming United Nations Framework …
BRICS Bank Opens for Business By Stephen Lendman
Its Shanghai-based New Development Bank (NDB) represents the beginning of a significant challenge to predatory Western financial institutions – the IMF, World Bank and other loan shark lenders of last resort. The IMF was established to stabilize exchange rates linked to the dollar and bridge temporary payment imbalances. The World Bank’s mandate was to provide credit to war-torn developing countries. …
Latest TPP Draft Benefits Big Pharma By Slashing Access to Generics – Sarah Lazare
With another round of Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations slated for the end of this month, the administration of President Barack Obama is aiming to force developing nations to adopt Big Pharma-friendly policies that are so bad for public health Obama himself has opposed them in the United States. Citing leaked drafts of the agreement, as well as officials “familiar with the latest May …
Debt Slavery By John Scales Avery
At the moment, the issue of debt slavery is very topical because of the case of Greece; but it is an issue that has a far more general significance. Usury, the charging of interest on loans, has a history of being forbidden by several major religions, including not only the three Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, but also the …
IMF Report Admits IMF’s Obsession with Capitalism Is Killing Prosperity – Jon Queally
In light of how the International Monetary Fund has spent most of its existence parading around the world telling governments to make their economies more friendly for multinational corporations by suppressing wages, restricting pensions, liberalizing industries, and more or less advocating they ignore the popular will of workers and the less fortunate—all in the name of market capitalism and endless …