Abused children more likely to be seriously ill as adults, says report

Children who suffer abuse, violence or other trauma at home are more likely to become seriously ill as adults, a report has concluded. The study says children who endure four or more adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with a chronic disease in later life compared with those who have experienced none. They …

Dr. Mercola – Mustard Greens and Seeds Offer Potent Health Benefits

Eating plenty of vegetables can help reduce your risk for many chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke and certain cancers. For example, one 2010 study found that eating just one extra serving of leafy greens a day reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by 14 percent.1

The Gary Null Show – 08.09.16

Today on The Gary Null Show, Gary starts off the show by bringing you the best news in health and wellness, where he talks about Diabetics should be wary of paleo diet ‘hype’ and how Diet designed to lower blood pressure also reduces risk of kidney disease. Gary also goes into a deep look at some of the bigger environmental headlines. Towards the end of the show Gary opens up for the phone lines for a Talk Back segment in which he takes calls on Hilary Clinton and much more. Make sure you tune into tonight’s Progressive Commentary Hour show at 7:00pm EST where Gary exposes NATO.

How too much medicine can kill you

During a recent clinic consultation, I saw Mary, in her early 60s, with type 2 diabetes. She was concerned that the muscle pains in her legs may have been a result of the cholesterol-lowering statin drug she was taking. “But I’m scared of stopping it.” She explained how a specialist nurse had told her a clot could break off from …

New Studies Reveal That Drinking Certain Kinds of Tea Poses Dangerous Health Risks

Next to water, tea is the most popular beverage in the world, which is generally a good thing: Besides being tasty and soothing—or energizing, depending on what you’re going for—a seemingly endless body of research has linked it with a huge number of mental and physical health benefits. Most recently, for example, studies have shown that tea is associated with a lower …


“Everyday” mindfulness is an awareness of your thoughts and feelings. And people who have it tend to have healthy glucose levels, new research shows. They also are less likely to be obese and they’re more likely to believe they can change many of the important things in their life—two factors that scientists suspect may contribute to the healthy glucose levels. …

Everyday mindfulness linked to healthy glucose levels

Dispositional, or “everyday” mindfulness is the inherent trait of being aware of one’s present thoughts and feelings. In a new study of 399 people that measured health indicators including dispositional mindfulness and blood glucose, researchers found that those with higher scores for mindfulness were significantly more likely than people with low scores to have healthy glucose levels. The results show …

Your Basic Thyroid Test May Not Be Enough

Moody, tired, or gaining weight? It could be your thyroid. Of course there are many underlying factors that could contribute to these frustrating  symptoms such as hormones, stress, neurotransmitter imbalance, etc. However, the prevailing culprit, your thyroid, is often left undiagnosed.  Thyroid malfunction is a common cause of these symptoms and is not even considered by many doctors. To make matters …

Hfrena Palsdottir – Splenda: Is It Good or Bad for You?

Added sugar can have terrible effects [3] on your metabolism and overall health. For this reason, many people turn to artificial sweeteners [4] like sucralose (Splenda). However, while authorities claim that sucralose is safe to eat, some studies have linked it to health problems. This article takes an objective look at sucralose and its health effects, both good and bad. …

Let’s Create A Better World – 01.23.16

Our guest, Keith Morey, has been involved with researching health issues, their causes, and nutrition for prevention and reversing diseases for over 20 years. He discussed seven symptoms of fungal infections, three main causes of aging, and a variety of other issues that cause our health to deteriorate and become diseased. He also talked about how antibiotics, electro-magnetic fields (EMF’s), dental issues, lack of sleep and other aspects of our lifestyles contribute to our health deterioration and death.