Today on The Gary Null Show, Gary starts off by bringing you the best health and environmental insights, Gary goes to the phones for a “Talk Back” segment after playing some audio clips that will give you a better look at Bill Gates saying we can reduce population growth with vaccines, Kissinger Papers reveal Death Squads and Saudi Arabian Uncovered Secrets Revealing Mind Blowing a documentary by the BBC.
Project Censored – 01.12.16
Linda Sartor speaks about her experiences as an ‘unarmed peacekeeper’ in conflict zones,
including Occupied Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka. Her new book is “Turning Fear Into Power: One Woman’s Journey Confronting the War on Terror.”
At the end of the program, Anthony Montero discusses the the Black Radical Tradition Conference taking place in Philadelphia January 8 – 10. Anthony Montero is an organizer of the conference, and taught African-AmericanStudies at Temple University.
Mairead Maguire – Syria Â- A Light to the World
BELFAST, Dec 31 2015 (IPS) – In November 2015 I visited Syria together with an International Peace delegation. This was my third visit to Syria in the last three years. As on previous occasions I was moved by the spirit of resilience and courage of the people of Syria. In spite of the fact that for the last five years …