New legislation could limit patient access to unbiased diabetes advice. A bill before Congress called the Access to Quality Diabetes Education Act of 2015 (HR…
“You unpatriotic ‘9/11 Truthers’ can have annual conspiracy conventions on 9/11, with a host of speakers. To use a Russian expression, the dogs may bark…
When we hear politicians and gas companies extoll the virtues of fracking, jobs created by drilling is usually high on their list of talking points. But…
My guest this week is Steve McIntosh, an important evolutionary writer whose new book, "The Presence of the Infinite", offers new insights to bring more…
Paula Caplan, PhD, psychologist, researcher, author and courageous advocate gives profound insight into the fraud and greed that keep psychiatric diagnosis alive and well--while those…
Researchers from the Gladstone Institutes have revealed that HIV does not cause AIDS by the virus's direct effect on the host's immune cells, but rather…
The alternative health/natural foods world was shocked yesterday by a new report published by Dr. Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, stating that “fermented” cod liver oil is…
Robert Whitaker, one of the best researchers ever in psychiatry and mental health, talks about why psychiatry has pursued its current state of moral dilapidation.…
John Michael Greer is one of America’s most insightful historical philosophers, a futurist and independent scholar, environmentalist, expert in energy and peak oil studies, and…