The relationship between GMO consumption and over 20 adverse health conditions. Jeffrey Smith is a leading spokesperson on the health dangers of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)…
The first guest, documentary producer Robbie Leppzer, discusses his latest work, Power Struggle. It's an account of the grassroots campaign to shut down the Vermont Yankee…
It's Episode 5 of our discussion of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. This week: The Secret To Money. [embed][/embed] Download this episode (right click and…
Meet Patti Channer, Executive Producer for the highly anticipated documentary film“Hearing Is Believing”, from award-winning Producer/Director Lorenzo DeStefano who introduces us to the astonishing young…
Mike Roselle is an environmental activist and one of the co-founders of the radical environmental organization Earth First!, as well as of Rainforest Action Network,…
Some films simply entertain (or not); others raise awareness. The Meaningful Movies Network has more than a dozen community-based Seattle-area groups that show social-justice documentary…
In recognition of the 15th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, today's guest is Tony Rooke, producer of the recent documentary "Incontrovertible." The film focuses…
Dr. Andrew Wakefield, a former British gastro-enterologist and vaccine researcher has been fully exonerated of the charges that he, together with a world renowned pediatric…
"Do You Dream In Color", new riveting documentary film by Director Abigail Fuller is about four driven teens navigating school, life and blindness! This exceptional…
Jennifer Lahl is founder and president of The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network. Lahl couples her 25 years of experience as a pediatric critical…