How to Secure Our Votes: Listen to Lulu Friesdat, investigative journalist, who in researching election integrity for the last few years, presents new findings on the Florida Congressional primary of 2016 between Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Tom Canova, revealing that there were ample voter irregularities— in conversation with Alison Rose Levy. Download this episode (right click and save)
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 11.30.17
ALABAMA, ELECTION THEFT AND THE DYING DEMOCRATS are our Solartopian stuff as we’re joined by STEVEN ROSENFELD, SUSIE SHANNON and JOHN BRAKEY. Steve is a reporter for Alternet who’s written extensively on election theft. SUSIE is a Bernie delegate from California to the Democratic National Committee. John is one of America’s truly great election protection activists. Together we explore the …
Leid Stories—Hillary the ‘Foundation’ of Current Democratic Party Woes?—11.06.17
Hillary Clinton is unmasked as a political hijacker in Donna Brazile’s Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns that Put Donald Trump in the White House, being released tomorrow. Brazile, a longtime Democratic Party strategist and cam-paign manager, claims that when she temporarily headed the Democratic National Committee, she discovered that Clinton, by then building her 2016 presidential campaign, was …
Leid Stories—Repeal and Replace the Fake News We’re Fed!—07.21.17
It’s “Free Your Mind Friday” on Leid Stories, where for years we’ve been repealing and replacing fake news with listeners’ unscripted, well-thought-out opinions and analyses of the issues of the day. Join us for an exciting, purposeful hour of programming. Call 888-874-4888 and let’s hear what you have to say! Download this episode (right click and save)
Leid Stories—Discussing the New Democratic Party—02.27.17
The Democratic National Committee held its expectedly raucous winter meeting in Atlanta, Ga., over the weekend, to take care took care of urgent party business. Most importantly, the DNC needed to name a chairperson.
This Can’t Be Happening – 10.10.16
Jules Mermelstein, constitutional law expert and a life-long Democrat active in local politics in Pennsylvania politics who quit that party in disgust and joined the Green Party after watching the Clinton campaign and the DNC sabotage the campaign of Bernie Sanders offers his unique insight into the current political crisis the day after Trump’s election in a conversation with host Dave Lindorff on “This Can’t Be Happening
Leid Stories—Clinton Foundation Election Eve Special—11.07.16
On the eve of one of the most contentious presidential elections in U.S. history, the nation finds itself being coaxed into barreling through a bitter contest, bringing it to a close, and moving on under a new administration. But few believe Election 2016 to be a fair fight; even fewer believe it to be an insult to the democratic process. In effect, Election 2016 has been a never-ending saga of political twists and turns, and the “star” of the show hasn’t been substantive issues the candidates differ on, but their various levels and categories of wrongdoing, including major crimes. In Election 2016, voters are actually jurors, weighing the guilt or innocence of the contestants. There’s much on their plates to consider.
John Hartung – How Brain Shutdown Explains Core Support for Trump and Clinton
What a choice! More than 150 million natural-born citizens old enough to be President of the United States and we winnowed it down to these two extraordinary candidates—extraordinary in so many important ways. Donald Peaches Trump vs. Hillary Cream Clinton … how did we get so lucky? Do we owe this master stroke to the intricacies of the primary process—the …
Pam Martens and Russ Martens – Sanders Supporters Stunned by Sudden Death of 38-Year Shawn Lucas Who Served the Lawsuit on the DNC and Wasserman Shultz
On Friday, July 1, just ahead of the long Fourth of July weekend, a happy, exuberant process server, 38-year old Shawn Lucas of One Source Process, served a lawsuit at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington, D.C. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Senator Bernie Sanders’ supporters and named the DNC and its then Chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, …
PETER A. LAVENIA – Smearing Stein: Media as Propaganda
Jill Stein, the Green Party’s nominee for president, has been the sudden target of attacks from all corners of online media since the official end of Bernie Sanders’ campaign at the Democratic National Convention. Outlets like the Washington Post, New York Magazineand Gizmodo have assaulted Stein by using out-of-context quotes to assail her, wrongly, for being anti-vaccination and anti-WiFi, which is a code for …
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