Ask Beatty – 03.20.17

Did you know that depression rates rose 18% in the last decade world-wide and that the most vulnerable groups are youth, pregnant or postpartum women and the elderly. And unfortunately, rates of depression are increasing for adolescents as well. Beatty talked about the signs and symptoms of depression and offered concrete suggestions as to how to best deal with your depression. Don’t wait if your symptoms don’t improve or are worsening. Reaching out and asking for help is the very best thing that you can do for yourself and your family.

She also discussed what to do if your partner is no longer interested in sex and the benefits of dealing early on with sexual and other emotional, psychological and psychiatric issues.

Take concrete action today and change your life and relationships forever!

To life and love,

Older adults have their own perspectives on sadness, loneliness and serenity

AMHERST, Mass. – A new study led by associate professor Rebecca Ready in the department of psychological and brain sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst has found that older adults have different, more positive responses than young adults about feelings such as serenity, sadness and loneliness. Ready calls the findings “highly clinically significant” because the information could help caregivers, …

Thomas S. Harrington – Are US Relations With Israel a Proprietary Matter? The People at PBS’ Frontline Seem to Think So

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