Every one of us can receive lifesaving health-enhancing information from Pam Popper, PhD, founder of The Wellness Forum who explains how we can eat ourselves…
Andrew Thibault of Parents against Pharmaceutical Abuse provides stunning data on psychiatric drug-induced fatalities and homicides based on his highly sophisticated analyses of millions of…
My guest, psychologist Michael Cornwall, and I discuss candy-coated amphetamines! Yes, the FDA has approved sweetened amphetamines for children to melt in their mouths. You…
The scientific results are in: Antidepressants do not work. Premier researcher Irving Kirsch, PhD brilliantly explains the facts. Then we have a friendly debate about…
A profound, thoughtful and moving hour about mindfulness with psychologist Donna Rockwell, PsyD. Listen carefully to her words and her spirit, and I believe it…
With a passionate condemnation of psychiatric “euthanasia”--that's how I begin. Then my guest Bob Nikkel talks about pioneering programs in mental health and their funding…
Robert Whitaker, one of the great critics of modern psychiatry, examines how the partnership between the pharmaceutical industry and psychiatry has corrupted psychiatry, done extraordinary…
MY MOST IMPORTANT SHOW EVER! I spend the hour by myself talking to you about psychiatric drugs and rational psychopharmacology. Learn basic principles like the…
Marvelous Krista MacKinnon, founder of Familieshealingtogether.com, deserves everyone’s attention. She comes from her own “lived experience” with biopsychiatry. Now she has an online program for…
What does madness in ancient Greek drama tell us about madness today? An extremely enlightening discussion with Michael Fontaine, Professor of Classics, with insights into…