This is Part 3 of our excerpts from Peter Levenda’s astonishing book “The Hitler Legacy.” (You can read Part 1 here and Part 2 and here). Buoyed by their victory, the winners of World War I imposed a wide range of sanctions on Germany and split up the Middle East in a way that suited their needs but not those of the people …

Der Spiegel – Is the Ugly German Back? Flames of Hate Haunt a Nation

It’s a Monday night in July and Samuel Osei is frightened to death. Two neo-Nazis have entered the concrete bloc apartment building where Osei is staying, on the edge of Greifswald, a city in eastern Germany. The two men are drunk and swearing. Osei, an asylum-seeker from Ghana, steps out on his balcony and tries to placate them. “I’m sorry,” …

What Europe and the IMF Are Doing to Greece: A First-Hand Look By Steve Weissman

t the moment, we see only the dark face of Europe,” said Leonidas Fotinos. “They want to buy Greece cheap.” A large, young-looking man in his early 50s, Leonidas studied economics at university and was now running a small tour business on the historic Aegean island of Milos. He could hardly have been more removed from the street protests and …

In A Bid To Put An End To The Fossil Fuel Crisis, Audi Has Made Diesel Only From Air And Water.

Luxury car maker Audi has announced that it is making synthetic diesel fuel from just water and carbon dioxide. Audi’s pilot plant, which is operated in Dresden by German start-up Sunfire, has produced its first batches of the “e-diesel” fuel earlier this month. To commemorate the potentially huge accomplishment, German Federal Minister of Education and Research Johanna Wanka put a …