NDC Savings Club – Your Human Design Chart Part 5 – 02.08.17

Guest Speaker:  Peter Roth   http://heartriver.org/ Launch of a New Pet app  http://FluffyRx.com/ Human Design uses your birth time and place to calculate your personal Human Design Chart. In this calculation, the positions of Sun, Moon and planets at the time of your birth play an important role. Astrology also uses the birth time and place to generate your natal …

Study: How climate change threatens mountaintops (and clean water)

Mountains are far more than rocks. About half of the world’s drinking water filters through their high-elevation forests, plants, and soils, among other natural benefits. Now, a new first-of-its kind study, in the journal Nature, shows how these mountain ecosystems around the globe may be threatened by climate change. Rising temperatures over the next decades appear likely to “decouple” key …

Climate models may underestimate future warming on tropical mountains

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — In few places are the effects of climate change more pronounced than on tropical peaks like Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya, where centuries-old glaciers have all but melted completely away. Now, new research suggests that future warming on these peaks could be even greater than climate models currently predict. Researchers led by a Brown University …

Jeannie Kever – Researchers Report New Understanding of Global Warming

Researchers know that more, and more dangerous, storms have begun to occur as the climate warms. A team of scientists has reported an underlying explanation, using meteorological satellite data gathered over a 35-year period. The examination of the movement and interaction of mechanical energies across the atmosphere, published Jan. 24 in the journal Nature Communications, is the first to explore …

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – The Obesity Code – 01.17.16

Host Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN, www.naturalnurse.com, interviews Jason Fung, MD. Dr. Jason Fung earned his medical degree at the University of Toronto, where he also completed his internal medicine residency before heading to the University of California, Los Angeles, for his fellowship in nephrology. He currently practices as a kidney specialist in Toronto. He is the chief of the department of medicine at Scarborough General Hospital. In addition to clinical medicine, he is also on the board of directors of Low Carb Diabetes Association and the scientific editor of the Journal of Insulin Resistance. DR. JASON FUNG is the founder of the Intensive Dietary Management Program, which provides a unique treatment focus for type 2 diabetes and obesity. In his book, The Obesity Code, Dr. Fung sets out an original, robust theory of obesity that provides startling insights into proper nutrition. In addition to his five basic steps, a set of lifelong habits that will improve your health and control your insulin levels, Dr. Fung explains how to use intermittent fasting to break the cycle of insulin resistance and reach a healthy weight—for good. Contact: www.intensivedietarymanagement.com

Tim Radford – Vast carbon sink found in Congo basin

A carbon sink as large as 20 years’ worth of US fossil fuel emissions has been identified in peatland in central Africa’s forests. LONDON, 15 January, 2017 – British scientists have just discovered one of the richest stores of carbon on Earth. They have found 145,000 square kilometres of peatland – an area larger than England – in the forests of …

Meria Heller – Stars R Us with Meria and Joseph Anthony

Stars R Us, with Meria and Joseph Anthony. The astrology report for 2017. Better year in many ways; more positive eclipses this year; Venus retrograde in March;Feb 24-28th-war? Saturn trines Uranus; Jupiter sextile Saturn; optimistic/idealism; August a great month; Mercury retrogrades (this one over the 8th); Jan 20th-Sun in Aquarius;Jan.28-Chinese New Year- of the Rooster; indications of conflicts in alphabet agencies; energies shifting for the better; financial changes; trump/cabinet/Jesuits; could there be a major conflict this year? new system by 2024; Neptune in Pisces until 2025 and what it all means.

John Roulac – Spaceship Earth, Your Main Oxygen Systems Are Collapsing

Yes, Houston, we have a problem: Our oceans are dying. As the brilliant futurist Buckminster Fuller used to point out, our Spaceship Earth is hurtling through space at a great speed. Imagine if someone told you (a passenger on that ship) that the main oxygen systems were failing because of how food was being grown. What would you do upon …

Andrea Germanos – New Study ‘Sounds Alarm’ on Another Climate Feedback Loop

The loss of Arctic sea ice has already been shown to be part of a positive feedback loop driving climate change, and a recent study published in the journal Nature puts the spotlight on what appears to be another of these feedback loops. It has to do with soil, currently one of Earth’s carbon sinks. But warming may lead to …