Listen to Rachel Marco-Havens a solutionary artist, performer, creative entrepreneur and community organizer who works with Earth Injustice about the mounting nationwide resistance to dirty fuel pipelines e in conversation with Alison Rose Levy.
Buddha, Christ, Krishna Within
Buddha, Christ, Krishna waits inside you. This is not about religion, it is about the presence within. So… Look within! It matters not, to whom one connects for inspiration, or that any historical figure play a role in one’s life. At the time of their incarnations on Earth, these beings came to anchor an energy on the planet. Those named …
Pacific Ocean’s response to greenhouse gases could extend California drought for centuries
Clues from prehistoric droughts and arid periods in California show that today’s increasing greenhouse gas levels could lock the state into drought for centuries, according to a study led by UCLA professor Glen MacDonald. The study, published today in the journal Scientific Reports, looked at how natural climatic forces contributed to centuries-long and even millennia-long periods of dryness in California …
Graham Readfearn – How climate science deniers can accept so many ‘impossible things’ all at once
Sometimes, climate science deniers will tell you that we can’t predict global temperatures in the future. Sometimes, they’ll say we’re heading for an ice age. Occasionally, contrarians will say that no single weather event can prove human-caused global warming. But then they’ll point to somewhere that’s cold, claiming this disproves climate change. Often, deniers will tell you that temperature records …
Greenland ice is melting seven percent faster than previously thought
The same hotspot in Earth’s mantle that feeds Iceland’s active volcanoes has been playing a trick on the scientists who are trying to measure how much ice is melting on nearby Greenland. According to a new study in the journal Science Advances, the hotspot softened the mantle rock beneath Greenland in a way that ultimately distorted their calculations for ice loss …
“The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see Nature all ridicule and deformity… and some scarce see Nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, Nature is imagination itself.” – William Blake Thomas Berry said that loss of …
ROBERT HUNZIKER – Loss of Planet Reflectivity an Impending Catastrophe
The planet’s air conditioning system is on the blink, working intermittently, losing its glinting, lustrous white reflectiveness, as it turns deep blue, absorbing 90% of sunlight rather than reflecting it back into outer space. The repercussions of Arctic sea ice loss are immense. “Our planet has actually changed colour,” Peter Wadhams, A Farewell to Ice (Allen Lane an imprint of …
“Wherever something is wrong, something is too big.” ― Leopold Kohr Most of us reject generalisations. We recognise that the real world is complex, messy and full of contradictions. We’re understandably sceptical of one-size-fits-all solutions, and wary of people who stand on a soapbox saying, “I have the answer!” For these reasons I have found myself in a rather difficult …
Denmark Intends To Be The World’s FIRST 100% Organic Nation
Bhutan announced its plan to become the world’s first 100% organic nation in 2013, but it now has some competition. That’s right, Denmark’s government announced its plan to become Earth’s first 100% organic nation – and it has a solid plan of accomplishing that feat. According to OrganicVeganEarth, the Scandinavian country is already the most developed country in the world concerning the amount …
ASTRID CALDAS – No Need To Wait for the Future: Global Warming Impacts Are Happening Right Here, Right Now.
One thought hit me today, and it was not a very optimistic one. I thought that one may get so used to the fact that that month after month temperature records are being broken, that the issue of global warming would somehow become an afterthought, or a “cry wolf” phenomenon. After all, it is happening every month, right? Therefore, one would …