NDC Savings Club – 10.07.15

Today Show: Magnets and BioMagnetism

Guest Speaker: Dr. Dean Bonlie https://magneticosleep.com/

Dr. Dean Bonlie D.D.S. graduated from Loma University in 1962. He has devoted all his energy and focus in the field of magnetism. He is now recognized as an expert researcher, inventor, consultant and lecturer on Biomagnetism.

Dr. Bonlie is the developer of the Magnetico Sleep Pads a revolutionary way to improve your health – while you sleep! Dr. Dean Bonlie invented this product over 25 years ago. Learn how earth type magnetic field supplementation can improve your body’s performance, healing, detoxifying, pain relief, and get more rest! The Magnetico Sleep Pad is placed under your current mattress, unlike all other magnetic products. Please visit our website for more information.

Daniel Barker – Earth will only have a 12-hour warning before massive solar storm wipes out grid – are you prepared?

It has been well over a century since the last major solar storm hit the earth, but sooner or later, it will happen again. It’s only a question of when, and many scientists believe that the recurrence of such an event is overdue. In fact, scientists claim that the likelihood of a coronal mass ejection on the scale of the …

New tool could predict large solar storms more than 24 hours in advance

Large magnetic storms from the Sun, which affect technologies such as GPS and utility grids, could soon be predicted more than 24 hours in advance. Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are eruptions of gas and magnetised material from the Sun that have the potential to wreak havoc on satellites and Earth-bound technologies, disrupting radio transmissions and causing transformer blowouts and blackouts. …