Bees find nectar and tell their hive-mates; flies evade the swatter; and cockroaches seem to do whatever they like wherever they like. But who would believe that insects are conscious, that they are aware of what’s going on, not just little biobots? Neuroscientists and philosophers apparently. As scientists lean increasingly toward recognizing that nonhuman animals are conscious in one way or another, the …
Roman Krznaric – 5 Reasons “Live Each Day Like It’s Your Last” Is the Worst Advice Ever
Ever been to a Death Cafe? They’ve been popping everywhere from Boston to Beijing, offering a congenial space where people gather to ponder mortality and the meaning of life over tea and cake. Having started in 2011, at the latest count nearly 3,000 Death Cafe meetings have taken place in more than 30 countries. The movement confronts an ancient existential dilemma: …
Longevity Doctor: ‘Fountain of Youth’ Medicine Hyped by Big Pharma Might Cause Premature Aging, Death – Martha Rosenberg
Are you a man experiencing decreased sex drive? Are your erections less strong? [3] Is your body fat increasing and your muscle mass decreasing? Are you fatigued and lack energy? Are you sad and grumpy and experiencing less mental clarity? If so, a lot of marketing these days claims you may be suffering from “Low T”—low levels of the testosterone, the male hormone. While a …