March 25, 1998 changed Edmond McNack’s life. It wasn’t that there was anything special that this sheriff’s deputy was transporting. It wasn’t that when she bit him she actually harmed him. But the fear of HIV transmission was so great that he was immediately put on a 12 week course of PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis). And these toxic AIDS drugs destroyed his health in the ten weeks that he persisted and changed the course of his life.
David talks with Edmond in this Episode 72, about how quickly the AIDS drugs caused serious health problems, problems that continue today. Another astonishing aspect of this case is that, in a bizarre ruling, the Missouri Labor and Industrial Relations Commission denied him compensation, because a doctor stated that although the drugs he’d been given could easily cause his symptoms in an HIV-positive person, there was no information on their effect on HIV-negative people. Even though HIV obviously played no role in the side effects.
Despite this Edmond McNack has always maintained a positive attitude, and is happy to share his story, to give other people, possibly faced with a similar situation, pause to think.
You can email Edmond or phone him at +1-816-325-0587
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