Meditations and Molotovs – 06.27.16

Today’s program features a discussion on the Brexit vote. Vince talks about what the vote means, and what it doesn’t mean. He also explores procedural and legal challenges, the various ideologies and organizations that supported the “leave” vote and their connection to Trump’s supporters, and what the Brexit vote means for Left political movements around the globe. Most importantly, Vince suggests that the Left shouldn’t tear itself apart over the Brexit results. There is plenty of room for disagreement and solidarity. It would be wise to recognize that both sides have legitimate concerns and suggestions. Political, economic and media elites want to divide progressives. It’s up to us to reject this false narrative and provide alternatives to both nation-state capitalism and neoliberal-EU capitalism.

Trends This Week – The Presidential Reality Show in full swing as America in decline – 04.27.16

Global master forecaster Gerald Celente analyzes the state of the presidential race as he reflects on the state of America’s decline in the 21st Century and the reasons behind. America, once the world’s undisputed global heavyweight, has down-trended into an economic, political, social, cultural and lifestyle bantamweight. He also makes some predictions on the campaign ahead and also breaks down recent economic activity and the ticking time bomb that is the global economy.

Trends This Week – Is the fed stupid, or just playing stupid? – 02.24.16

The Federal Reserve operates the largest printing press on the planet. It seeks to hire the most qualified people to address current economic conditions and design strategies to maximize future market potential. However, when crisis strikes and with global equity markets in turmoil, those hired admit they are out of touch with the present and blindsided by the future. As minutes from their own meetings show, when the Panic of ’08 hit, which the Trends Research Institute forecast and named, the Fed was blindsided. Were they stupid then, or just playing stupid? Today, from China’s economy growing at its slowest pace in a quarter century, Japan sinking back into recession, Europe’s stagnant Gross Domestic Product, Asian economies jolted by plummeting exports, emerging-market economies and currencies crashing, commodity indexes gyrating between 1991-to-1999 lows, etc., the “outlook” is clear: Global Recession. What’s the Fed’s position? Fed Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer recently said Fed officials “simply do not know” what course of action to anticipate since “it is still early to judge the ramifications of the increased market volatility of the first seven weeks of 2016.”

Are they stupid, or playing stupid by not seeing the Panic of 2016