US Manufacturing PMI Tumbles To 22 Month Low: “Lack Of Growth” And Deflation Blamed

Not even the seasonally-adjusted sentiment surveys can give a glimmer of hope any more. A few weeks after the July ISM manufacturing report printed at the lowest since March, moments ago the Markit mfg PMI index was released, printing at justt 52.9, below the expected 53.8, and down from last month’s 53.8. This was the lowest level since October 2013 …

Jeff Faux – Breaking News: The Rich Discover Inequality

After forty years of rising income and wealth inequality, some of America’s rich seem worried that maybe things have gone too far. In a recent New York Times Op Ed (August 9), for example, Peter Georgescu, CEO emeritus of the multinational public relations firm, Young and Rubicon, wrote that he is “scared” of a backlash that might lead to social …

The ways in which the economy never recovered from 2008

The headline economic numbers are far better now than in 2008-2009. The unemployment rate, the GDP, the national deficit, the stock market, etc. have all improved. Yet many of us can’t shake the feeling that things are still stuck in 2008. Well, you aren’t crazy. Many areas of the economy have never recovered from the 2008, and some are even …

Abayomi Azikiwe – Behind the Obama Visit to East Africa. Imperialism with a “Human Face”, Outright Militarization of the African Continent

Also the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, came to the United States the previous week and held high-level meetings with Obama along with other officials in the State Department and the Pentagon. Obama’s term ends next year and many have criticized him for not visiting the country where his father was born since he was elected …

Andre Damon – How to make $7 billion in 45 minutes

On Thursday, Amazon, the online retail giant, announced that, contrary to analysts’ predictions and after months of financial losses, it had turned a profit in the second quarter. The stock market responded with euphoria. Amazon’s share price surged by 18 percent in a single day, adding $40 billion to the company’s market capitalization. With 154,000 employees, Amazon overnight became the …

China’s Market Falls: a New Global Financial Crisis Next? By Jack Rasmus

China’s two main stock markets, the Shanghai and the Shenzhen Exchanges, plunged more than 30% in recent weeks from their previous record highs of June 12. The Shanghai dropped 30%, and the tech-stock heavy Shenzhen by 37%. That’s the steepest stock decline in China since 1992. The markets briefly stabilized on July 9. But the question remains, will they continue …

71% of the World’s Population Survives on Less Than $10 a Day

Global poverty has halved over the last decade, but a staggering 71% of the world’s population remains low-income or poor, living off $10 or less a day. These are among the findings of a new Pew Research Center reportthat looked at changes in income for 111 countries between 2001 and 2011. The report, “A Global Middle Class Is More Promise Than …

OECD report documents growth of financial parasitism By Nick Beams

A report issued by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) last Wednesday is confirmation that the financial crisis of 2008 was not a temporary downturn in the world economy, but arose from fundamental contradictions at the very heart of the global capitalist system. Seven years on, those contradictions are deepening. They have been exacerbated by the policy pursued …

BP Data Suggests We Are Reaching Peak Energy Demand – Gail Tverberg

Some people talk about peak energy (or oil) supply. They expect high prices and more demand than supply. Other people talk about energy demand hitting a peak many years from now, perhaps when most of us have electric cars. Neither of these views is correct. The real situation is that we right now seem to be reaching peak energy demand through low …

IMF Report Admits IMF’s Obsession with Capitalism Is Killing Prosperity – Jon Queally

In light of how the International Monetary Fund has spent most of its existence parading around the world telling governments to make their economies more friendly for multinational corporations by suppressing wages, restricting pensions, liberalizing industries, and more or less advocating they ignore the popular will of workers and the less fortunate—all in the name of market capitalism and endless …