On this Project Censored show, the topic is immigration policy and higher education. Specifically, Nolan and Nick take a look at the DACA controversy, and how it is being reported on in the corporate media. This show also features a discussion with college student activists about these and related issues. As well, there’s a discussion of the corporate press and …
Trends This Week – Fed Chair touts “optimism”: Recovery or recession? – 06.08.16
While Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and fellow Fed members bombarded the business media with the refrain that America’s economy was strong, and to expect an interest-rate rise “in the coming months,” this week, global forecaster Gerald Celente reminds his listeners what the facts – what the hard, indisputable data – say about the true state of the economy. So while Yellen states “the economy has registered considerable progress over the past several years toward the Federal Reserve’s goals of maximum employment,” hard data dispute her jobs-progress claim. In fact, since 2009, 95 percent of all income gains have gone to the richest 1 percent while median household income remains below 1999 levels. There is no recovery.
Meria Heller Show – 06.05.16
Tragedy and Hope returns with Meria Heller and Richard Grove. They speak about Little Lucas, Another reason to do what we do, Freedom/Tyranny/Collectivism, Political correctness, First amendment (tee shirts here), Elections – voting for slavery, True History, Project Constellation, Secrets being revealed, ”Lords of War”-Anglo-American establishment, BRICS nations, Zika and Olympics-experiment? Listening to the noise instead of the signal, Brave New World, Dystopia or Utopia, Rothschilds, World War 3 and economy, Smedley Butler, All wars are bankers wars, CFR, 9/11/01, Saudi’s on 9/11 and much more.
It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown – The Little Bank that Could, and Did, and Does – 05.25.16
The Bank of North Dakota has generated a groundswell of excitement and amazement that its founders couldn’t imagine. It started with a simple goal of service to citizen victims of Wall Street monopoly almost 100 years ago and now inspires the hopes of citizens nationwide as they struggle to wrest their financial freedom from the same villains. Ellen’s guest tells how it all happened. Dr. Rozanne Ennie Junker got her doctorate studying how this upstart institution took on the big banks and turned a challenged economy into a financial powerhouse of service to its owners, the people of North Dakota. Walt McRee talks with Tom Tresser about a new collaborative book called “Chicago is Not Broke – Funding the City We Deserve” – there’s more money laying around than most citizens know and Matt Stannard discusses What Wall Street Costs America with a focus on Detroit and Harrison, NJ – yet more victims of the global banking cartels that keep America under the thumb of debt servitude.
The Gary Null Show – 05.18.16
On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary gives us some great information on health and healing as well as public schools, the economy and more. Listen and read to learn more:
Melatonin reduces blood pressure and tunes up disrupted circadian rhythms in the elderly
Can sesame-based ingredients reduce oxidative stress?
Scientists discover Antarctic sponge extract can help kill MRSA
Eating potatoes could increase the the risk of high blood pressure
Cancer-fighting properties of horseradish revealed
What are polyphenols and how do they prevent disease
Gary takes a quick music break and plays this funky jam: TAVARES – It Only Takes A Minute. Gary then returns to the show and plays this great video.
VIDEO: Stupid in America: How we cheat our kids – John Stossel looks at the ways the U.S. public education system cheats students out of a quality education. (Part 2)
Grade-fixing ex-principal lands $157K job as DOE administrator
The controversial way rich parents help their kids de-stress
VIDEO: No Viet Cong called me NiXXer- Muhammad Ali
Gary then took calls about the teachers and then discusses DEBT:
Undeniable evidence that the real economy is already in recession mode
Trends This Week – Clinton-Sanders – 04.20.16
Global forecaster Gerald Celente breaks down the reasons behind his Trends Research Institute’s forecast that when presidential candidate Bernie Sanders bows out of the Democratic primary, he’ll join Hillary Clinton’s campaign as her running mate. Hillary for president, with Bernie as running by her side for vice president, towers over any combinations on the radar now for the GOP. But does it matter? Elsewhere, Celente explains the economy is in a holding pattern; don’t be fooled by recent spikes. The market riggers have fewer and fewer tools to keep the economy on life support.
Energy Stew – Richard A. Bowell – 04.08.16
It looks like everything is polluted. Even our atmosphere has been polluting pristine wildernesses or what’s left of them. Our economy, politics, agriculture, medicine – there’s no secure place to turn.
Can we even trust our minds in this frightening world?
What’s left?
There is a place inside ourselves where we can experience our sacredness but not everyone can find it.
Once we understand our own sacredness, we can see it in everything and contribute to the betterment of life.
Evolution makes progress through truth, beauty and goodness and the more we can embrace it the more whole our future will be.
Richard A. Bowell has written the book, “The Last Unpolluted Place on Earth is Inside Our Selves”.
Listen to this very insightful interview with Richard and find out why the only real way to make progress is to be true to our soul and pursue its higher purpose. Other than that, all our plans are just talk which is why progress is so hard to see.
Richard is also working with Michael Shewchuk who he met at the UN and Michael’s organization, Human Evolutionary Change, is partnering with Richard to foster this important transformation.
A Just Cause – Spotlight on Capitol Hill & Senator Chuck Grassley – 02.28.16
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks is shining a Spotlight on Senator Chuck Grassley, who serves as Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, where he works for a competitive marketplace with antitrust enforcement and tort reform, to reward innovation and invention with an updated patent system, and for legal immigration that will help America’s economy grow.
It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown – End of the Line – 09.30.15
Our debt-based monetary system conceals a brutal fact: indebtedness to private sources for the acquisition of money is an unnecessary scourge on our economy and societal well-being. But with everyone, including local and state governments, in debt over their heads there’s nowhere to get more without digging the hole deeper. Systemically, the debt-money regime has run its course. Happily, alternatives are being explored in the form of outright free public issue of money directly to the people — “QE for the People.” We look at several dimensions of these ideas. Ellen speaks with noted UK professor and author Mary Mellor about the democratization of money and financial systems. Co-host Walt McRee discusses the current Bretton Woods IV Convocation which is focusing on the vital need for reclaiming public control of money, and on the Public Banking Report Matt Stannard takes a look at the morality of money.
Andre Vltchek – Abe’s Japan – Fascist and Falling
Japan was my home for many years. I was running there from countless war zones, to get some rest, to enjoy beautiful nature and its ancient, deep culture. I learned all about its legends and fairytales, I knew its creeks and peaks, villages lost in time. I came here to think and to write, on board those marvelous high-speed trains, Shinkansens. But …