Progressive Radio Network

Economy of Greece

The Delphi Initiative of Greece issued yesterday the following statement under the title Tsipras – Kammenos Surrender Greece: The Greek Left is a political force,…
Like many states in crisis before it, Ukraine serves as a perfect opportunity for neoliberal transformation. While a crisis of faith, of sorts, has resounded…
The never-ending austerity that Europe is force-feeding the Greek people is simply not working. Now Greece has loudly said no more. As most of the…
In sowing the seeds of the Greek crisis, European politicians have made the same mistakes as American politicians before the financial and banking crisis of…
As we move closer to the 5 July referendum, it becomes clearer every day – Brussels, Washington and Berlin are waging an open “class war”…
Focusing exclusively on the monetary aspects of the Greek crisis the media misses much of what disturbs the Greeks and also what might make a…
Democracy is among other things the rule of majority public opinion. Plutocracy is the rule of the wealthy few over and against the popular majority.…
Back in January upon coming into office, Syriza probably could not have won a referendum on whether to pay or not to pay. It didn’t…
The Greek debt is unpayable. It is simply too large to be repaid. The austerity that the EU and IMF have imposed on Greece has…
All over the planet, large banks are massively overexposed to derivatives contracts.  Interest rate derivatives account for the biggest chunk of these derivatives contracts.  According to…
There are various narratives for what is happening to Greece as another deadline looms – the April 24 gathering of finance ministers in Riga —…