Chris Hedges – The Mafia State

Systems of governance that are seized by a tiny cabal become mafia states. The early years—Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton in the United States—are marked by promises that the pillage will benefit everyone. The later years—George W. Bush and Barack Obama—are marked by declarations that things are getting better even though they are getting worse. The final years—Donald Trump—see the …

Eyes in the sky: Cutting NASA Earth observations would be a costly mistake

Donald Trump’s election is generating much speculation about how his administration may or may not reshape the federal government. On space issues, a senior Trump advisor, former Pennsylvania Rep. Bob Walker, has called for ending NASA earth science research, including work related to climate change. Walker contends that NASA’s proper role is deep-space research and exploration, not “politically correct environmental …


It should be, for any literate person, essentially a truism that Barack Obama and even Hillary Clinton are preferable to Donald Trump, and are also probably preferable to any of the other Republicans who ran for office in 2016. But not by much. Under Obama, we did see some cosmetic reforms to a society in rapid tailspin: The Iran Nuclear …

Robert Parry – Clinton’s ‘Russia Did It’ Cop-out

The Clinton machine – running on fumes after Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential bid – is pulling out all remaining stops to block Donald Trump’s inauguration, even sinking into a new McCarthyism. In joining a recount effort with slim hopes of reversing the election results, Clinton campaign counsel Marc Elias cited a scurrilous Washington Post article that relied on a shadowy …

Pratap Chatterjee – Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, Obama’s Last Chance

Imagine this scenario: you’ve occupied an office for eight years and now you’re about to move out. You know who’s going to move in and, by reputation, he’s a fellow with a minimal ability to control himself who might conceivably be a danger to others. So here’s one thing you undoubtedly wouldn’t do: leave a loaded revolver in the top …

Zaid Jilani – Hillary Clinton’s “Corrupt Establishment” Is Now Advising Donald Trump

“THE ESTABLISHMENT,” Donald Trump famously said during his closing argument for the presidency, “has trillions of dollars at stake in this election.” He described “a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations …

Trump’s Trickle-Down Populism

Last Thursday President-elect Donald Trump triumphantly celebrated Carrier’s decision to reverse its plan to close a furnace plant and move jobs to Mexico. Some 800 jobs will remain in Indianapolis. “Corporate America is going to have to understand that we have to take care of our workers,” Trump told The New York Times. “The free market has been sorting it …

Tim Radford – Africa’s dust is a priceless export

Scientists show how different the world would be without a sprinkling of the wind-borne African dust that fertilises oceans and forests. LONDON, 3 December, 2016 − Climate scientists have identified Africa’s single biggest export – the wind-borne dust that fertilises the Amazon forests, nourishes life in the Atlantic ocean and softens the noonday blaze of the sun. And they have …

ROGER HARRIS – The Triumph of Trump and the Specter of Fascism

The 2016 US presidential election was extraordinary – practically the entire political leadership class from neo-cons to liberals united around a single candidate. Of the leading newspapers in the US, 57 endorsed Clinton, 4 endorsed the Libertarian candidate Johnson, and only 2 endorsed Trump. While the official presidential contest is nearly always de factorestricted to a two-horse race, usually the …

BETSY WOODRUFF – Churches Prepare to Shelter Immigrants From Trump

If Donald Trump keeps all his campaign promises, thousands of churchescould disappear. That’s according to Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, who heads the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, an evangelical group with more than 40,000 affiliated congregations. “The very viability of our churches—these are our church members,” he said. “You’re talking about shutting down churches. If you would ever deport 11, 12 …