IT’S EVEN WORSE THAN YOU THINK is the great DAVID CAY JOHNSTON’s brilliant NYTimes best-selling investigation of the life and crimes of Donald Trump. Johnston is an impeccable investigator with top-level credentials who has been following Trump for decades. He’s also a great, uniquely articulate presenter. But his 100% true exposition of Trump’s personal, political and financial history borders on …
ANDREW LEVINE – Obama: Sad and Glad to See the Back of Him
Last January, before Iowa and New Hampshire and Super Tuesday, it seemed certain that a Democrat would be elected President in 2016. Democrats were widely, and justifiably, despised, but that didn’t matter; there wasn’t a Republican running who wasn’t too ludicrous or too loathsome or both to be taken seriously. It didn’t matter either that long before last January, Hillary …
Nick Turse – Tomgram: Nick Turse, Special Ops, Shadow Wars, and the Golden Age of the Gray Zone
Don’t think the fad for “draining the swamp” began on the campaign trail with Donald Trump. It didn’t, although the “swamp” to be drained in the days after the 9/11 attacks wasn’t in Washington; it was a global one. Of course, that’s ancient history, more than 15 years old. Who even remembers that moment, though we still live with its …
Trends This Week – Crybaby liberals can’t get over the election – 01.04.17
From blaming Hillary Clinton’s loss on alleged Russian hacking to screaming “fake news, fake news” at every turn, liberals, aided and abetted by the mainstream media, just can’t get over November 8. And, as Gerald Celente so powerfully points out, they’re embarking on a fast-moving downward spiral.
Will Oremus – The Real Problem Behind the Fake News
In the wake of Donald Trump’s election as president, Facebook has taken justifiable heat for its role in spreading misinformation and propaganda about the candidates. In particular, its news feed algorithm fueled a cottage industry of fake and intentionally misleading “news” that skewed heavily anti–Hillary Clinton and pro-Trump, according to a BuzzFeed analysis. These falsehoods attracted far more user engagement, …
Paul Craig Roberts – The Striking Audacity of the Coup-in-Process
Unsubstantiated stories have been planted throughout the presstitute media by anonymous CIA officials that Donald Trump’s electoral victory was the result of Russian intervention. This absurd claim has now been elevated to the even more absurd claim that Putin himself oversaw and even conducted the manipulation of the US presidential election. No evidence has been provided for these amazing claims. …
Now, America, You Know How Chileans Felt
DURHAM, N.C. — It is familiar, the outrage and alarm that many Americans are feeling at reports that Russia, according to a secret intelligence assessment, interfered in the United States election to help Donald J. Trump become president. I have been through this before, overwhelmed by a similar outrage and alarm. To be specific: On the morning of Oct. 22, …
US Intel Vets Dispute Russia Hacking Claims
A New York Times report on Monday alluding to “overwhelming circumstantial evidence” leading the CIA to believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin “deployed computer hackers with the goal of tipping the election to Donald J. Trump” is, sadly, evidence-free. This is no surprise, because harder evidence of a technical nature points to an inside leak, not hacking – by Russians …
The Pentagon Reportedly Concealed Internal Study Revealing It Wasted $125 Billion
President-elect Donald Trump campaigned on the promise that he would increase the Defense Department budget, but could new evidence of fiscal irresponsibility change his policy? Monday, The Washington Post published an investigative report revealing that Pentagon officials purposely buried evidence that it was wasting billions of dollars on its business operations. Craig Whitlock and Bob Woodward write: Pentagon leaders had …
‘Professor Watchlist’ Names Progressive Academics Who Supposedly Show a Liberal Bias
A conservative activist organization named Turning Point USA (TPUSA) has released a “Professor Watchlist” to provide information about university academics across the United States who “advance leftist propaganda in the classroom.” Turning Point—a nonprofit organization that promotes right-wing values of free markets and limited government and connects with young, college-age conservatives—targets nearly 200 professors for purportedly displaying liberal bias. The …