We suffer through the horrible tragedy of Puerto Rico with JOEL SEGAL and ANNA BLACKBURN. Anna’s mother lived in central Puerto Rico and has been sending first-hand reports of the on-going travesty of our government’s lack of response to the misery and death plaguing the island. Joel fills us in with still more about what has been done to this …
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 03.23.17
THE FALL OF THE NUKE POWER INDUSTRY is welcomed in Solartopia as we talk with JIM GREEN in Australia.
Our first “down-under” guest is the nuclear campaigner for Friends of the Earth and edits the NUCLEAR MONITOR for the NUCLEAR INFORMATION & RESOURCE SERVICE.
He fills us in on the current energy crisis in Australia and Elon Musk’s offer to solve it with a giant battery farm, a solution Jim Green basically dismisses.
We then cover the thrilling demise of the global atomic power industry, starting with Fukushima and visiting the collective downfall of the American and European industries.
We worry about China, Russia, India and South Korea. But Jim’s in-depth understanding of the collapse of the Peaceful Atom gives us profound hope.
Emergency Power: The Top Portable Solar Panel Chargers for Disasters
From seasonal storms and natural disasters to hacking attacks and terrorism, we face more threats on our power grid than ever before. With much of our electrical infrastructure still relying on antiquated equipment and technologies, our power grid has become extremely vulnerable to disruption. Luckily, advances in solar technology have made it possible for everyone to at least have a …
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 01.14.16
NUKE DINOSAURS & SOLAR OUTRAGE arrive in Solartopia with astonishing implications.
At Ohio’s crumbling Davis-Besse nuke, KEVIN KAMPS tells us how this dying, decrepit reactor is demanding huge bail-outs from ratepayers and taxpayers because it cannot compete. But now DAVE KRAFT reports that competing utility giants Exelon and Dynegy have filed claims saying they can provide power to Ohio far cheaper, leaving DB hopefully twisting in the wind.
Meanwhile, JUDY TREICHEL and STEVE FRISHMAN report from Nevada that the corrupt Public Utilities Commission has rolled back long-standing agreements and is conspiring to prevent homeowners from installing solar panels on their rooftops. Public outrage is enormous, with thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in investments being wasted on behalf on obsolete investments in King Cong (Coal, Oil, Nukes and Gas).
Similar push-back in Wisconsin is being perpetrated by the planet-killing fossil-nuke pushers who threaten us all.
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 10.22.15
NUKE POWER IN NEW YORK hopefully on its way out….
We talk about making New York state NUKEFREE with the great ARNIE GUNDERSEN, one of the world’s top technical experts on atomic reactors; JESSICA AZULAY of the movement to shut down the FITZPATRICK and GINNA reactors in upstate NY; GARY SHAW at INDIAN POINT; and TIM JUDSON of the NUCLEAR INFORMATION & RESOURCE SERVICE.
On the brink of an expected announcement from ENTERGY on Fitzpatrick, we run the gamut of insanity at these atomic disasters in progress, including the two far upstate at NINE MILE POINT, Unit One being one the the 3 oldest in the world.
At Indian Point2 the license is expired, as it’s about to at Unit3. Ginna and Fitzpatrick are losing money. Nine Mile Point is crumbling. The state government is working for shutdown.
Tune in to find out how we can finally get over the line and make these New York nightmares go cold.