The Gary Null Show – 05.02.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary gave you information on these great topics below and played great videos for you to hear and watch. Click on the links below to watch or read.

Life expectancy for white women falls slightly in U.S.

Better sleep and tai chi reduce inflammation and promote health

Talk outshines light in preventing return of winter blues, says new UVM study

Brain’s immune system could be harnessed to fight Alzheimer’s

Reducing cholesterol with food made from soybeans and amaranth

Masculinity + energy drinks = sleep problems

Gary takes a quick break and plays this jam: The Brothers Johnson – Stomp!

FDA looks to expand electroshock use despite significant risks and no proven benefit

FDA to declassify electroshock therapy to same risk category as condoms and contact lenses

VIDEO: The problem with millennials

VIDEO: URGENT – Fox news caught using fake video of riots!

Gary takes a very quick break and comes back with these great videos to end the show:

VIDEO: The truth about public education. Public schools? More like indoctrination camps.

VIDEO: Pentagon Employee Witness Says There Was No Plane on 9-11-2001!

VIDEO: Conan O’Brien fully exposes mainstream media

Say ‘No’ to the Fiction of Brain Diseases

During my lifetime I have witnessed the fall of Freudian psychiatry and the ascension of molecular psychiatry. Unfortunately, we have gone from the frying pan into the fire. I certainly do not subscribe to old-fashioned psychoanalytic ideas which had been beset by considerable problems throughout the years. Its practice suffered from dogmatic theories and miscast beliefs, which worked to the detriment of …